A Coffee morning will be held on Saturday 17th November. Hot buttered teacakes and homemade cakes will be on the menu.
A book stall and fun raffle will also aid Village Hall funds.
9.30.a.m until Noon.
A Coffee morning will be held on Saturday 17th November. Hot buttered teacakes and homemade cakes will be on the menu.
A book stall and fun raffle will also aid Village Hall funds.
9.30.a.m until Noon.
Cumbrian Musician Dennis Westmorland will be providing the live music for sequence and ballroom dancing on Friday evening. The Picnic supper dance will commence at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m. Admission 5.00 on the door. Please bring along your own picnic supper.
Members of Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will be holding a Coffee morning on Saturday commencing at 9.30.a.m until Noon. Bacon sandwiches , hot buttered teacakes and homemade cakes will be on the menu. A fun raffle,book and bric a brac stall will also aid funds.
The Committee will be back in action on Sunday for the Flea Market, Collectable, Vintage and Craft Fair. There will be a great variety of stalls with both affordable and unique items for sale. Open 10.a.m until 4.p.m. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. Only 50p Admission. A minutes silence will be observed at 11.a.m. in memory of the fallen.
Looking well ahead – On February the 14th 2019 the Village Hall will be celebrating its 60th anniversary and the Management Committee are planning a weekend of celebrations. They are delighted to announce that they have secured the booking of The Swing City Big Band to play on Saturday 16th February, other plans will be publicised soon. Watch this space!!!!
Gargrave and Malhamdale Library will be showing the film ” Lady in the Van” on Friday evening. The main characters are played by Maggie Smith, Alex Jennings and Jim Broadbent. Café style seating will be in place, so please bring along your own refreshments. Doors to the Village Hall will open at 7.p.m. with the film starting at 7.30.p.m. Tickets are 5.00 payable on the door. Accompanied under sixteens are admitted free.
Please come along and support the Village Hall on Saturday morning when the Management Committee will be holding a Coffee morning. Hot buttered teacakes and homemade cakes and scones will be on the menu, served from 10.a.m until Noon. A fun raffle, book and bits and pieces stall will also aid funds.
Broadway Fairs will be hosting their monthly Flea Market, Collectables,Crafts and Allsorts Fair on Sunday in the Village Hall commencing at 10.a.m until 3.30.p.m. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m.
The Village Hall Management Committee also host a monthly Flea Market, Vintage, Collectables and Crafts Fair and their next event will be on Sunday 11th November, commencing at 10..am ( with a minutes silence at 11.a.m ) until 4.p.m. Lots to see and purchase at both of these Fairs which are held on a regular basis, please contact info@gargravevillagehall.org.uk for further dates and details.
The annual event is a great opportunity to buy some early Christmas gifts, there will be a fantastic selection of Crafts and Artwork, all available to purchase over a four day period. The event opens on Thursday the 18th October and runs through until Sunday the 21st October. Opening times are Thursday to Saturday 10.a.m until 6.p.m and on Sunday 10.a.m until 4.p.m.
Gargrave WI will be providing light refreshments each day.
The weekend begins on Friday evening ( 12th October ) with a Picnic Supper dance. Live music for ballroom and sequence dance will be supplied by the talented Organist Elizabeth Harrison. Admission is 5.00 on the door. Please bring along your own picnic supper. 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m.
Members of the Management Committee will be hosting the Coffee morning on Saturday. Bacon sandwiches, toasted teacakes and homemade cakes and scones will be on the Menu from 9.a.m until Noon. A book stall , DVD, Bric a Brac stall and fun raffle will also aid funds.
The Management Committee are back in action on Sunday when they will be holding a monthly Flea Market, Collectables , Vintage and Craft Fair from 10.a.m until 4.p.m. There will be over twenty stalls selling a great variety of goods – and at affordable prices. Light refreshments served until 3.p.m. Outdoor plant stall weather permitting.
The Gargrave Pantomime group will be hosting a Coffee morning on Saturday commencing at 10.a.m until Noon.
Yes its finally here after months of planning – our big event on Sunday 7th October – the first ever Wedding and Occasions Fayre at Gargrave Village Hall. A fantastic range of suppliers and ideas for every occasion. Great gift idea`s ( not long until Christmas ). Dress agency clothing, childrenswear, jewellery, photography, Vintage crockery for sale or hire, Vintage bespoke embroidered christening gowns, catering, relaxation and aromatherapy, health and beauty, sweets, events hire, cakes, pamper boxes, florists, relaxing live music, even ideas for your pets for the big occasion and doves to greet you at the door!!!!
Simply everything for the perfect celebration, wedding or party.
Refreshments available throughout the day. Morning Coffee – Homemade Cakes – Afternoon Tea.
Raffle with some great prizes kindly donated by the Suppliers – Vouchers, Gifts , bottles etc.
Free Admission. Open 10.a.m – 4.p.m.
Gargrave and Malhamdale Library will be showing the film ” Finding your Feet” at Gargrave Village Hall on Friday 21st September. The feel good comedy will commence at 7.30.p.m. Doors open at 7.p.m. Admission is 5.00 on the door with accompanied under 16`s free.
No Coffee morning on Saturday due to a private booking.
A Picnic supper dance will be held on Friday evening ( 14th September ) commencing at 7.30.p.m. Admission is 5.00 on the door. Live music for ballroom and sequence dance will be provided by Alan Cookson. Please bring your own picnic supper.
The Village Hall Management Committee will be holding a Coffee morning on Saturday from 9.a.m until Noon. Bacon Sandwiches, hot buttered teacakes and homemade cakes will be on the menu. A bric a brac, book stall and fun raffle will also aid funds.
Don`t forget the Neil Diamond Tribute act on Saturday night. Tickets are priced at £6.00 each and are available by calling 01756 749235. Please feel free to bring your own drink and nibbles. Doors open 7.p.m for 7.30.p.m.
A Flea Market, Vintage, Collectables and Craft Fair will be held on Sunday commencing at 10.a.m. Light refreshments served until 3.p.m. Only 50p admission.
Bee Faulkner will be restarting her Pilates classes in the Village Hall Annex after the Summer break on Tuesday 11th September and Friday 14th September – Classes on Tuesday are 10.a.m Mat based ( mixed ability ) and 11.30.a.m ( standing and seated exercise) . Classes on Friday are 9.a.m ( mixed ability ) and 10.30.a.m ( beginners ). Please contact Bee for further details: 07778980994
Gargrave Village Hall Pantomime group will be holding a sign up night for cast and back stage crew on Thursday 13th September at 6.30.p.m. in the Village Hall. This is for anybody and everybody who would like to be involved in the 2019 production of Sleeping Beauty ( 28th February to 2nd March 2019 ).