Looking ahead…

The next event organised by Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee  will be a Picnic Supper dance on Valentines evening the 14th February when the local band Silhouette will be playing live music for modern sequence dancing.


First Film show and first Market of the New Year..

To welcome in the New Year the Gargrave Cinema club will be showing One Life on Friday evening 24th January, the widely acclaimed biographical drama based on the true story of British Humanitarian Nicholas Winton who took an important role in efforts to rescue children from Nazi occupied Europe in the lead up to the Second World War. Starring Anthony Hopkins, Helena Bonham Carter and Johnny Flynn.

The customary Cafe style seating will be in place so please bring your own refreshments. Gargrave Village Hall doors open at 7.p.m with the film commencing at 7.30.p.m. Tickets are £5.00 ( cash only please ) on the door with accompanied under sixteens free. Sorry only guide dogs are allowed to this event. Proceeds from the film nights go towards the running costs of the Community Library.

Members of Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee look forward to welcoming everyone back to their Vintage, Collectable and Craft Fair which will be held on Sunday from 9.30a.m until 3.30.p.m.This is the first Fair of the New Year, and there will be just the one Fair held per month rather than two in past years. Sadly Sheila of Broadway Fairs has now retired due to ill health and though her Fairs were kept going last year by The Management Committee, it was a big ask of them as volunteers and the decision was taken to reduce the number to one per month this year. Booklets are available listing all the dates. If you would like one posting please contact 07989585564.

We are pleased to welcome some new faces so please come along and see the delightful framed wildlife photography and never mind the weight watching just buy some homemade cakes instead ( sorry the cakes will have to wait unfortunately Susan is not too well but she is hoping to be mobile for the February Fair)! There are lots of stalls booked into the event selling Vintage, Collectable, Bric a Brac, Books, Gifts, Jewellery,Jigsaws, Pictures, Wildlife Photograpy, Cakes and Crafts. Local girl Bethany will be selling plants and there will be stalls raising funds for Manorlands, The Cats protection league ( including tombola ) and the Village Hall itself. Light refreshments are available until 3.p.m. Admission is 50p. Please come prepared with cash as the majority of stalls including the Cafe can only accept cash payments. There is a cash machine on the high street but demand may be high! Any enquiries 07989585564 or info@gargravevillagehall.org.uk

The weekend ahead….

The first Coffee morning of 2025 will be held on Saturday. The event is organised jointly between members of Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee and Gargrave Library committee. Please come along you will be assured of a warm welcome and the choice of a bacon sandwich, toasted teacake and lots of homemade cakes – or better still all three!

A Book and Bric a Brac stall will raise funds for the Village Hall and proceeds from the raffle will go towards Library Funds.

Looking ahead – We look forward to welcoming everyone to the Open day on Saturday March 15th from 10.a.m to 4.p.m. The whole premises will be open for viewing for any prospective hirers and visitors, this includes the Snooker Hall too. We are combining the Open day with a Bibliophile Jumble sale, hundreds if not thousands of books for sale all at extremely low prices, buy in bulk for even cheaper deals. Current hirers will be in attendance to answer any questions you may have about their class and we hope to see event organisers there too, so there will be lots to see and many questions will be able to be answered. We shall be selling light refreshments all day too. Please pop the date in your diary.

A Happy New Year….. and a few cancellations!

PLEASE NOTE DUE TO THE WEATHER CONDITIONS WE ARE RECEIVING A FEW CANCELLATIONS FOR EVENTS – Wednesday 8th, both the 22 group meeting and the Parish Council Meeting are now cancelled.


Please check about other events with your class teacher or leader;

Members of Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Happy and Healthy 2025. We look forward to seeing everyone again as we return to normal service after a rest over the Christmas period.

The events section of the site will be updated on a regular basis and a new post will continue to be added weekly.

The model railway and transport group return for their meetings on Monday 6th January from 7.p.m until 10.p.m in the Annexe, the first and third Monday of each month. Indoor bowls returned on Thursday 2nd January, weekly Tuesday and Thursday 2.p.m. to 4.p.m until April.

Alan Cookson will be playing the live music for the modern sequence dance on Friday 10th January. NOW CANCELLED.

First Coffee morning of the New Year on Saturday 18th January.

Film night 24th January.

First Vintage, Collectable and Craft Fair of the year on Sunday 26th January. Lots of stalls already booked in including two new ones, scrumptious homemade cakes and some fantastic framed wildlife photography. Something for everyone.

Please do not hesitate to contact info@gargravevillagehall.org.uk or 07989585564 for any further information on events. Enquiries for hiring for classes or events please call 01756 749730.

Christmas Greetings….

What  a treat everyone had at the Coffee morning on Saturday when the Craven Accordion Orchestra were playing. There were Christmas jumpers in abundance and festive tunes abounding. Many thanks go to the orchestra leader Harry Hinchcliffe and his musicians for providing a wonderful selection of music. Special mention to the talented youngsters who came along to play, their parents and families must be very  proud of them.

All the members of Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee would like to wish all hirers , friends and supporters of the Hall a very Happy Christmas. A big thank you to members of the Library Committee for their wonderful support during the year in working together to host the Coffee mornings at the Village Hall

Once the festivities of Christmas day are over, there is the afternoon tea dance to look forward to on Friday 27th December commencing at 2.p.m until 4.p.m. The Twixmas ( between Christmas and New Year ) dance will be hosted by Cath and Richard who will be providing a selection of music from the musicals and movies for popular sequence dancing. Admission is £3.00 per person on the door, cash only please. Coffee, tea and biscuits will be served in the interval. Proceeds for Hall funds.

A packed weekend or two ……

The popular band Silhouette will be providing the live music for the Picnic Supper dance on Friday evening in the Village Hall. Please bring along your own picnic supper, tea and coffee will be served in the interval. Admission is £6.00 per person on the door, cash only please .A raffle will raise funds for the Village Hall. The music commences at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m.

The last Collectable and Craft Fair of the year will be held on Sunday. There will be lots of stalls selling Collectables, Vintage, Bric a Brac, Books, Jigsaws, Gifts, Jewellery, Crafts, and Cakes. A young man ( possibly two ) will be selling his/their grown out of toys to make way for new ones arriving on Christmas day. Bethany will be there selling Christmas plants and wreaths. Please support The Cats protection league and the Manorlands charity stalls as they will be there with a good variety of stock.. The event opens at 9.30.a.m but please pop in earlier if it fits in better with your days plans as most stalls are open by 9.a.m. The Fair will close at 3.30.p.m. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. Please bring along cash as the majority of stalls do not have the facility for taking card payments, this also includes sales in the Cafe. There is a cash machine in the Village but it may run out!

A confirmation just through, yes there are two young men with stalls on Sunday. Ralph will be selling younger age toys and Oliver up to about ten years. We also have a cake stall in attendance.

Next weekend we host the last film show of the year on Friday 20th and on Saturday 21st a Coffee morning when the Craven Accordion Orchestra will be playing.


A wonderful opportunity to buy a special Book gift or two for the Book lover in your family or circle of friends or come along and treat yourself to your own Christmas gift or stock up on Winter reading. Gargrave Village Hall will be hosting the last Book Fair of 2025 on Saturday December 7th from 10.a.m until 3.30.p.m. Admission is just 50p. Light refreshments will be served until 3.p.m. There will be a wealth of titles to choose from ranging from general paperbacks and hardbacks, biographies, autobiographies, fact and fiction through to speciality and antiquarian volumes. Some stallholders have card payment facilities, some can only accept cash as can refreshment sales please.

The Book Fairs in 2025 will be held on Saturday 1st March, Saturday 7th June, Tuesday 12th August, Saturday 20th September and Saturday 6th December.

An unusual one off event is planned for Saturday 15th March 2025 when Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will be hosting an Open day when prospective hirers can look around the facilities, this will also incorporate a  large Bibliophile Jumble sale when the main Hall will be full of books which have been mounting up in storage for a lot of years. A great opportunity to rummage through numerous titles and grab some real bargains. The event is in the very early stages of planning but is been held to celebrate the national Village Halls week ( albeit it a few days before the official week due to the Hall already in hire then ) it will also incorporate the sale of refreshments which will be prepared by the members and friends of the Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee; bacon sandwiches and lots of homemade cakes. Please pop the date in your diary. Come along and celebrate the contribution that Englands 10,000 Village Halls make to rural communities.

Cinema club film night.

Gargrave Cinema club will be screening the popular and thought provoking film The Upside on Friday evening in the Village Hall. The comedy drama follows the unlikely friendship between Philip, a wealthy quadriplegic and Dell an ex convict hired as a carer. As they navigate their contrasting worlds, Dells carefree attitude brings humour and vitality to Philips structured life. Together they challenge societal expectations and discover the importance of connection, resilience and embracing lifes joys. Ultimately their bond transforms both their lives in unexpected ways. The film stars Kevin Hart, Bryan Cranston and Nicole Kidman.

The customary Cafe style seating will be in place so please bring your own refreshments. The Village Hall doors open at 7.p.m with the film commencing at 7.30.p.m. Tickets are £5.00 ( cash only please ) on the door with accompanied under sixteens free. Sorry but only guide dogs are allowed to this event. Proceeds from the night go towards the running costs of the Community Library.

Future events leading up to Christmas:  Saturday 7th December:  Book Fair. 10.a.m – 3.30.p.m.

Friday 13th December: Picnic Supper dance with the live music from Silhouette. 7.30.p.m.- 11.p.m.

Sunday 15th December: Collectable and Craft Fair. 9.30.a.m – 3.30.p.m.

Friday 20th December: Film night. 7.30.p.m.

Saturday 21st December: Coffee morning with music from the Craven Accordion Orchestra                                                                                           10.a.m-Noon.

Friday 27th December: Afternoon tea dance with Cath and Richard 2.p.m-4.p.m.

Back to a hectic weekend…

Come along to the Village Hall on Saturday morning to support both the Village Hall and the Library as members of both committee`s will be working together when they hold a Coffee morning. There will be bacon sandwiches, toasted teacakes and homemade cakes on the menu. A raffle will aid Library funds and a Book and Bric a Brac stall will raise funds for the Village Hall. Open 10.a.m to Noon.

Members of Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will be  holding a Collectable and Craft Fair in the Hall on Sunday. There will be a bumper turn out of stalls with all spaces booked including the side room. The bumper book sale in aid of Hall funds will be consigned to the smaller of the side rooms. Where else can you bring along a carrier bag and fill it with books for just £2. There are some fantastic books but the quantity of books held in storage needs to go down hence the bargain offer. There will be stalls selling Collectables, Vintage, Bric a Brac, Jewellery, Gifts, Clothing, Small furniture, Jigsaws and Crafts. Stalls will also be raising funds for Manorlands Hospice, The Cats Protection League ( also running a Tombola ) and The Smile train ( hand knitted items). The event opens at 9.30.a.m but please call in sooner if you need to as most stalls are open by 9.a.m., closure is 3.30.p.m. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. Just 50p admission. Christmas wreaths will be available from Bethany`s garden stall outside the Hall. Our event even got a mention in The Yorkshire Post supplement a couple of weeks ago so we look forward to meeting some more new customers again.  Booklets are available listing all next years Fairs, please call or text 07989585564 if you would like one posting. Only one Fair left this year which will be held on Sunday 15th December. The last Book Fair of the year will be held on Saturday 7th December.

A free weekend….

The Village Hall can rest this weekend as there are no public nor private hires in.

Next weekend the members and friends of Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will be back in action with a Coffee morning ( jointly with the library) on Saturday 23rd and a Collectable and Craft Fair on Sunday 24th ( last but one before Christmas). The last Book Fair of the year is on Saturday 7th December.

Please call Christine our bookings secretary on 01756 749730 if you would like to make enquiries about booking the main hall or any of the other smaller meeting rooms for classes, events or weddings. Enquiries and bookings for Collectable and Craft Fairs which are organised by Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee please call Caroline on 07989585564, enquiries for Book Fairs please call Gerry on 01524 752968.