A busy Saturday…….

A Book Fair will be held on Saturday in the Village Hall and the adjoining side rooms. There will be literally thousands of Antiquarian, second hand and new books for sale, covering every subject imaginable. A real treasure trove for book lovers and some great ideas for Christmas gifts. Open 10.a.m until 3.p.m ( earlier closing time than normal ). Light refreshments available until 3.p.m.

Please spare a moment when you visit the event to think about Keith, our Book Fair organiser who sadly died suddenly a few weeks ago. Keith had spent an interesting life, spending some of the time in the Motor Industry which probably nurtured his love for all books related to transport. Keith was an extremely valued member of Gargrave Village Hall Committee and his input was both respected and appreciated. His fellow Book Fair friends along with Village Hall Committee members and volunteers have rallied round and offered help with the Book Fairs which will continue , and we hope will act as a lasting tribute to Keith .

2020 Book Fair Dates: Saturdays: 7th March, 6th June, 26th September and 5th December.  Tuesday 18th August.


Craven Accordian Orchestra and the Carleton Ladies Choir will be holding a Christmas concert on Saturday evening to raise funds for Cancer Support Yorkshire. The evening will commence at 7.p.m for 7.30.p.m. There will be a licensed bar. Ticket sales please contact 07401768356 or 07746637472.

Christians in Gargrave Christmas Fayre….

10.a.m – Noon on Saturday. Games, Toy stall, Cakes, Pre loved items, Crafts, Tombola and Raffle. Guest appearance by The Village Choir. Entry £2.00 to include Coffee and Mince Pies.

Proceeds in aid of Skipton Food Bank.

Don`t forget the Book Fair on Saturday 7th an ideal opportunity to buy that special book as a Christmas gift. Open 10.a.m – 3.p.m.

Our Book Fair Organiser, Keith,  sadly died suddenly a few weeks ago which was a great shock to his fellow members on Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee and his fellow colleagues and friends on the Book Fair circuit. He will be missed by all but we hope to continue with the Book Fair on the 7th and the Fairs throughout next year which we are sure is what Keith would have wanted. Thanks are extended to Gerry ( please contact Gerry for bookings 01524 752968 ), Peter , Sheila and Management Committee members who through their input will enable the Fairs to continue.


Film show, Coffee morning and Allsorts Fair coming up…

The Autumn series of films  organised by Gargrave and Malhamdale Community Library continue at the Village Hall on Friday.

The film on Friday evening is ” Late Night”, a light hearted comedy film starring Emma Thompson, Mindy Kaling ( who wrote the script ), Hugh Dancy and John Lithgow.

The customary Café style seating will be in place, so please bring along your own refreshments. Doors open at 7.p.m with the film starting at 7.30.p.m.

The Pantomime section at the Village Hall will be holding a Coffee morning on Saturday from 10.a.m. Please come along and support the group and hear about their 2020 production whilst indulging in Coffee and Cakes.

Broadway Fairs will be hosting the Flea Market and Allsorts Fair on Sunday from 10.a.m. There will be lots of stalls with unique and affordable items to purchase. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m.

The last Flea Market of 2019 which will be organised by Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will be held on Sunday 15th December – come along and purchase those last minute Christmas gifts, lots of stalls are already booked in.

Bacon sandwiches…..

What can be better on a cold Winter`s morning than bacon sandwiches? We shall be serving them from 10.a.m on Saturday  at the Coffee morning along with hot buttered teacakes and a variety of homemade cakes ( takeaway available too ).

A fun raffle and Book /DVD/CD sale will also aid Village Hall funds.


A Pre loved clothing sale and afternoon tea event will be held in the Village Hall from 1.30.p.m on Sunday in aid of the Air Ambulance. Admission is £10.00 to include afternoon tea. Further details from 01756 749772 07857004775.

Weekend News

A Picnic supper dance will be held on Friday evening from 7.30.p.m. Cumbrian musician Denis Westmorland will be providing the live music for ballroom and sequence dance. Admission is 5.00 on the door. Please bring along your own Picnic supper.

Sorry No Coffee morning on Saturday but there will be one the following week on the 16th November.

A Flea Market, Vintage, Collectable and Craft Fair will be held on Sunday, organised by the Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee. There are over twenty stalls booked in with a great  selection of items from Antiques, Collectables, Vintage, Bric a Brac , Crafts ( Fabrics, knitted items and hand made silver jewellery ) , Books and Plants. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. Ample free parking and all stalls ( including a well stocked plant stall ) are under a warm and dry roof!! Only 50p admission. 10.a.m – 3.30.p.m. Please arrive earlier if it fits in better with your days plans. Most stalls are open by 9.a.m. A Minutes silence will be observed at 11.a.m.

A Vintage Sunday!

A Vintage Fair organised by Broadway Fairs will be held in the Village Hall on Sunday ( please note this is a one day Fair not a weekend Fair as was initially planned ) commencing at 10.a.m. There will be lots of stalls with a great range of items from a bygone era – Jewellery, Books, Clothing, Household, Toys and Memorabilia. Light refreshments will be available until 3.p.m.

The next Village Hall Coffee morning will be held on Saturday 16th November.

Bacon sandwiches are back!!!!!

The weekend kicks off on Friday evening with a film show courtesy of Gargrave and Malhamdale community library. Doors open at 7.p.m for a 7.30.p.m start. Admission is £5.00 on the door please bring along your own refreshments. The Runaways is a film set in and around Whitby.

A Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee Coffee morning will be held on Saturday from 10.a.m. Bacon sandwiches, hot buttered teacakes and a great selection of homemade cakes will be available. A fun raffle and book stall will also aid funds.  There will be a Christmas gift box stall , with decorated boxes filled with gifts for all the family.

Broadway Fairs will be hosting their monthly Flea Market and Allsorts Fair on Sunday from 10.a.m. Lots of stalls in attendance. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m.

Craft Fair weekend.

Broadway Fairs are hosting a Crafts and Arts weekend. This is a great opportunity to purchase unique homemade gifts for Christmas and special occasions ( or just spoil yourself). Lots of stalls in attendance. Light refreshments served until 3.p.m on both days. Open 10.a.m – 3.30.p.m. 50p admission. Further details please contact Sheila on 01757 ( Selby Code ) 229805.

Dancing through to Vintage Bargains!

The weekend ahead at the Village Hall begins with a Picnic supper dance on Friday evening with live music for ballroom and sequence dance from the talented Organist, Elizabeth Harrison.

Elizabeth plays all over the country and has provided the music for some of the biggest ballroom dance competitions in the North West.

The dance commences at 7.30.p.m and admission is 5.00 on the door, please bring along your own Picnic supper.

Sorry no Coffee morning on Saturday, the next one is on the 26th October.

The Village Hall Management Committee will be holding one of their Flea Market, Vintage and Collectable Fairs on Sunday. The hall is full to capacity with a great selection of stalls, including some one off stalls ( down sizing due to house moves ) so there will be Collectables ( some Antiques ), Vintage, Bric a Brac, Jewellery, Books and much more. There will be bargain prices too! The plant stall will be in attendance ( outside if sunny, inside if wet ). Light refreshments served until 3.p.m. Only 50p admission. Open 10.a.m until 4.p.m. Please arrive sooner if you wish and its more convenient for the rest of the days plans as most stalls are set up by 9.a.m.

Voices of Craven

The Voices of Craven will be showing a DVD of their Summer Concert on Friday evening at 7.p.m. Admission is £8.00 which also includes a Pie and Pea supper. Please call 01756 749802 to reserve your ticket.

Sorry No Coffee morning on Saturday, the next one will be held on Saturday 26th October.