A weekend of Allsorts……

The weekend kicks off with a Picnic Supper Dance on Friday evening from 7.30.p.m with live music for ballroom and sequence dance from Lancashire Musician Alan Cookson. Admission is five pounds on the door. Please bring along your own Picnic Supper.

Members of Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will be holding a Coffee morning on Saturday. Bacon sandwiches, hot buttered teacakes and a great variety of homemade cakes will be on the menu. Doors open at 10.a.m until Noon ( why not catch the Library at the same time, their opening hours on a Saturday are 10.a.m until 1.p.m, if you aren`t already a member its simple to become one just call in and a member of staff will help you with the process ).

A fun raffle and book stall will also aid funds and there will be a stall with proceeds for Manorlands.

Some members of the Committee are back at the Hall on Sunday when they will be hosting their last Flea Market, Vintage, Collectable and Craft Fair of 2019. A capacity amount of stalls are booked in with a great selection of items providing last minute solutions for those hard to buy for family and friends. The garden stall will also have a good choice of Christmas plants. Light refreshments will be available until 3.p.m. Come along and enjoy a warm welcome in the Festive atmosphere. Leaflets will also be available for next years Flea Markets and Book Fairs. Open 10.a.m until 3.30.p.m but please call earlier if it fits in better with your days plans, most stalls are up and running by 9.a.m.

Bacon sandwiches…..

What can be better on a cold Winter`s morning than bacon sandwiches? We shall be serving them from 10.a.m on Saturday  at the Coffee morning along with hot buttered teacakes and a variety of homemade cakes ( takeaway available too ).

A fun raffle and Book /DVD/CD sale will also aid Village Hall funds.


A Pre loved clothing sale and afternoon tea event will be held in the Village Hall from 1.30.p.m on Sunday in aid of the Air Ambulance. Admission is £10.00 to include afternoon tea. Further details from 01756 749772 07857004775.

Craft Fair weekend.

Broadway Fairs are hosting a Crafts and Arts weekend. This is a great opportunity to purchase unique homemade gifts for Christmas and special occasions ( or just spoil yourself). Lots of stalls in attendance. Light refreshments served until 3.p.m on both days. Open 10.a.m – 3.30.p.m. 50p admission. Further details please contact Sheila on 01757 ( Selby Code ) 229805.

Voices of Craven

The Voices of Craven will be showing a DVD of their Summer Concert on Friday evening at 7.p.m. Admission is £8.00 which also includes a Pie and Pea supper. Please call 01756 749802 to reserve your ticket.

Sorry No Coffee morning on Saturday, the next one will be held on Saturday 26th October.

Allsorts weekend……

Something for everyone this weekend, commencing with a Picnic supper dance on Friday from 7.30.p.m. Alan Cookson will now be playing the live music for ballroom and sequence dance ( unfortunately Bill Johnson is not too well ). Admission 5.00 on the door. Please bring along your own Picnic supper.

A Book Fair will be held on Saturday from 10.a.m until 4.p.m. There will be thousands of books for sale on every subject. Come along and get stocked up on your Winter reads. Light refreshments served until 3.p.m. 60p admission.

Broadway Fairs will be hosting a Flea Market and Allsorts Fair on Sunday from 10.a.m. Lots of bargains, Crafts, Vintage and Collectables. Light refreshments served until 3.p.m. Outdoor plant stall ( indoors if wet ). 50p admission.

Film Night….

Gargrave and Malhamdale Community Library will be re-commencing their Autumn/Winter season of film nights on Friday . The opening film will be ” Red Joan “, based on the true story of a young Cambridge graduate, Joan Stanley, who was recruited as a Soviet spy in the 1930s. She was eventually exposed in 2000 much to the surprise of her family and friends. The romantic spy thriller is directed by Trevor Nunn and stars Judy Dench, Stephen Campbell Moore, Sophie Cookson and Tom Hughes.

The customary style Café seating will be in place, so please bring along your own refreshments. The Village Hall doors open at 7.p.m for a 7.30.p.m start. Tickets are £5.00 on the door. Under sixteens, free admission.

Sorry no Coffee morning on Saturday due to a private booking.

The Snooker rooms are under going a change and refurbishment, please contact info@gargravevillagehall.org.uk if you know of anyone who is interested in a full sized Snooker table.

Bargains galore – all weekend!!

The annual Jumble sale takes place on Saturday from 10.a.m until 1.p.m. Only 20p admission.

Clothing, books, cd`s, jewellery, pictures, craft materials, stationery, bags, shoes, lots of toys, bric a brac, household and small items of furniture. Something for everyone.

Light refreshments available all morning including Homemade cakes.


Can`t make Saturday?  Then come along on Sunday for the Flea Market, Vintage, Collectable and Craft Fair as there will be a second opportunity to buy Jumble because Committee Room 2 adjoining the main hall will be stocked with unsold Jumble from the previous day. The Main hall and Committee Room 1 will be filled with stalls selling Vintage and Collectable items from both regular and new stallholders. Admission 50p. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. Open 10.a.m until 4.p.m, please arrive earlier if it is more convenient for you ( most stallholders are organised by 9.a.m. ) New outdoor plant stall.

Better late than never…….

Apologies for the late update on this weekends events –

Supper dance on Friday evening with live music from Alan Cookson for ballroom and sequence dance. Admission 5.00 on the door, please bring along your own picnic supper.

Sorry no Coffee morning on Saturday due to a private function.

Don`t forget the Neil Diamond Tribute night on Saturday 7th September, tickets available from the Dalesman Café and Gillians Hairdressers.

The annual Jumble sale will be taking place on Saturday 14th September from 10.a.m. Lots of bargains guaranteed. Tombola and light refreshments. Only 20p admission.

The weekend and beyond….

There will be No Coffee morning on Saturday.

Skipton Town hall on tour will be visiting  Gargrave on Sunday evening. The Quantum theatre production will be performing Shakespeare`s `A Midsummer nights dream`.  Tickets are priced at 12.00 and 15.00. Please contact Craven District Council for further details. Tickets are also available from Skipton Information centre on Coach street, Skipton. The Play will commence at 7.p.m.

The annual Jumble sale on Saturday 14th September is fast approaching. Donations of saleable goods may be left at the Hall on weekday mornings, preferably left in the Café area , access via the kitchen door. Alternately collection can be arranged by contacting 01756 749235. Please no large electrical items e.g. TV`s, Printers, Fridges, Washers etc. Tombola prizes also gratefully received. Help with selling on the day would be much appreciated ( light lunch provided ). Please contact Caroline 01756 749235 with offers of help.

Andy Wiseman will be performing his Neil Diamond Tribute show again this year. Please check out his poster in the gallery section. Tickets available from Gillians Hairdressers and the Dalesman Café in the Village. Saturday 7th September. A great night of entertainment was enjoyed by all in 2018.

More about upcoming events….


The annual Art Exhibition is fast approaching and opens for business on Thursday 11th July at 11.a.m. The show promotes the original works from local artists, both amateur and professional. The majority of the works are for sale with cheque, cash and card payments accepted. The artists of Gargrave Art group will also have a themed display of their work ” Inspired by Gargrave”. The youngsters of Gargrave School and Pre School will also be proud to show their artistic skills with a special display. Light refreshments courtesy of Gargrave W.I will be available until 5.p.m each day. The show runs from Thursday until Sunday. Opening times Thursday and Friday 11.a.m – 7.p.m, Saturday 10.a.m – 7.p.m and Sunday 11.a.m -5.30.p.m.

If a visit to the exhibition fuels your interest in learning how to paint ( particularly using watercolours ) please contact info@gargravevillagehall.org.uk for more details about Alison Drakes Art classes at the Village Hall. Alison is a very talented local Artist and an enthusiastic teacher, she holds weekly classes at the Village Hall each Thursday. The classes are both fun and informal.

Please be advised to reserve your tickets as soon as possible for the Live music and afternoon tea event on Sunday 21st July. A similar afternoon was held back in February at the 60th celebrations and was very popular and enjoyed by all. The music on this occasion will be provided by Arthur Geldard singing classic songs made famous by artists like Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole. Joining Arthur on stage will be Trish Ferrarin and John Fuller. Homemade afternoon tea will be served in the interval. The cost per ticket is 10.00 ( including the afternoon tea ). Please reserve tickets by calling Caroline on 01756 749235 07989585564 0r info@gargravevillagehall.org.uk.