The wait for the popular Annual Jumble sale is almost over – the event will take place this Saturday ( 30th September ) from 10.a.m until 1.p.m.

The Hall and side rooms will be completely full of Jumble of every description, ranging from clothing, bedding, curtains, general household, garage items, garden items, electrical ( purchased at own risk ), jewellery, books, bags, shoes, pictures, small furniture, DVD and CD`s, Toys, Crafts and Bric a Brac. Not forgetting the popular Tombola stall with some great prizes.

The cafe will be open from 10.a.m selling toasted teacakes, drinks and homemade cakes with plenty of seating whilst you take a break from shopping for bargains or whilst you are waiting until you can purchase a large bag or box from a stallholder for a £1 and fill it with whatever you want! ( this generally takes place around Noon ).

Donations for the sale are still been accepted. Thursday from 10.a.m until Noon and on Friday from 10a.m until 4.p.m. 07989 585564.

Lots happening!

A very busy weekend at the Hall which kicks off with the first film of the new season for the Cinema club on Friday evening at 7.p.m for 7.30.p.m. The British comedy “Whats love got to do with it” will be screened, starring Lily James, Shazad Latif and Emma Thompson. The comedy is set between London and Lahore and tells the story of a film maker who documents her childhood friend and neighbours arranged marriage to a bride from Pakistan and the pitfalls along the way.

The customary Cafe style seating will be in place so please bring along your own refreshments. Tickets are £5.00 on the door with accompanied under sixteens free. All proceeds( a raffle is also held ) from the film nights go towards the running costs of the Library.

A Book Fair will be held on Saturday commencing at 10.a.m until 4.p.m. The Hall and side rooms will be filled to the rafters with books of all descriptions from general paperbacks through to specialist and antiquarian volumes. Admission is 50p. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. Enquiries 01524 752968/07989 585564.

Broadway Fairs will be hosting the Flea Market and Craft Fair on Sunday from 9.30.a.m until 3.30.p.m. Lots of stalls selling Vintage, Collectables, Bric a Brac, Books, Gifts, Jigsaws and Crafts. Admission 50p. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m.Enquiries 01757 229805.

Don`t forget the event next Saturday that everyone has been waiting for – the Annual Jumble sale!  Commencing 10.a.m until 1.p.m.

A quiet weekend……

A quieter weekend at the Hall this week . No events or hires in on Friday evening or Saturday. The auditions for the annual Pantomime will be taking place on Sunday.


The next fundraiser for the Hall will be on Saturday 23rd September when the Book Fair will be taking place ( 10.a.m – 4.p.m.). Also taking place next week will be the first film night of the new season on Friday 22nd September and to end the weekend Broadway Fairs on Sunday 24th September.

Don`t forget the Jumble the following week on Saturday 30th September 10.a.m -1.p.m. Volunteers to sell from the stalls most welcome please call 07989 585564. Please call the same number to arrange a delivery or pick up of donations.

A busy weekend……..

The weekend commences on Friday evening with a Picnic supper dance in the Hall commencing at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m. Denis Westmorland will be travelling from his Cumbrian base to provide the live music. Please bring along your own Picnic supper. Tea and Coffee will be provided in the interval. Admission is £6.00 per person on the door. A raffle will aid Village Hall funds.

The hall will be in use all day on Saturday by a private hirer for the start and finishing point of a walk/run. All participants  have pre-entered.

Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will be holding a Collectable and Craft Fair in the Village Hall on Sunday commencing at 9.30.a.m ( please call earlier if it fits in better with your days plans as most stalls are set up by 9.a.m ). There will be a good selection of stalls, selling Collectables, Vintage,Linens, Bric a Brac, Books, Jewellery, Jigsaws and Crafts. There will also be stalls raising funds for Manorlands, Cats Protection league and the Village Hall itself. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. Admission 50p per person. 07989 585564.

Time for a rest!

The busy volunteer members of Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee have had a hectic weekend with hosting both a Coffee morning and one of the two day Fairs over the bank holiday weekend.

The Hall itself is resting now too with just three regular Hirers in during the week, so hopefully this will also enable the work on the stage to get near completion. Old lighting and electrics have been removed so too a very old and large boxed fan and the ceiling is been boarded and insulated. It has been a big job and work can only take place when the main Hall is empty. The first week in September will see all regular Hirers and new ones return as things get back to normal with the return of the schools.

There are no public events at the Hall over the weekend of the 2nd and 3rd September.

Please don`t forget to put the annual Jumble sale in your diary, Saturday 30th September, 10.a.m – 1.p.m. Lots of Jumble already coming in. Please call 07989 585564 to arrange a delivery or collection. Donations of new gifts or chocolate gratefully received for the Tombola. Please also call the above number if you are able to help with selling from the stalls on the Saturday, you can request the one you would most like to sell from!

A busy long weekend ahead……

The Bank holiday weekend begins with a charity Picnic supper dance on Friday evening which is organised by local families. Bon Accord will be providing the live music for the event which is in aid of the Air Ambulance. Please bring along your own Picnic Supper. Tea and Coffee will be provided in the interval. £6.00 admission per person on the door. Enquiries to 01729 830217.

Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee together with Gargrave Library will be holding a Coffee morning on Saturday. Bacon sandwiches, Toasted teacakes and lots of homemade cakes will be on the menu. A raffle will aid Library funds and proceeds from  a Book and Bric a Brac stall will go towards Hall funds. The Library 100 club draw will also take place. Jumble may be delivered during the morning in readiness for the sale on the 30th September. 07989 585564

Sheila from Broadway Fairs will be holding her monthly Flea Market and Craft Fair on Sunday. Lots of stalls selling Vintage, Bric a Brac, Gifts, Jigsaws, Books and Crafts. 01757 229805.

The team from the Gargrave Village Hall Management  Committee will take over on Monday when they host a Collectable and Craft Fair. Again lots of stalls selling a great assortment of items both unique and affordable. Some stalls will be selling on both days whilst some will just be there on the Sunday and some on just the Monday so there will be a good change over of stock. Well worth a visit on both days. Opening times 9.30.a.m ( please call earlier if you wish most stalls are set up by 9.a.m ) until 3.30.p.m. Light refreshments over both days until 3.p.m. 50p admission. 07989 585564

A successful Book Fair but…

Gargrave Village Hall Management committee held their annual Mid week Summer Book Fair on Tuesday ( 15th August ). The mid week Fair was introduced three years ago and the first was just after Covid so it was a gambol to see if it was well supported. Both the Committee and the Book sellers ( many travel from all over the North West ) were however delighted as numbers on the door were equal or more to their four a year Saturday sales.Last years numbers increased again. The gambol had paid off.

The Book sale is promoted by word of mouth, this website, local newspapers,pocket booklets produced by both the Village Hall and the North West Book sellers but also by solid posters which are displayed in and around the Village a few days beforehand, just five so the area isn`t in-undated, and one of these is on private land and one on the Village Hall railings. These are instrumental in catching the eyes of holiday makers or those travelling through the Village. How disappointing to find that one had not only been removed but in all likelihood been vandalised as one of the ropes was still tied tightly to where the sign was placed which could only mean the sign had been broken up. This means we are now one sign short for the next Book Fair on Saturday 23rd September. The signs were purchased some years ago so owe nothing for the work they have done over time but it will be costly to replace one which should not have been necassary. The Management Committee can only apologise to the Book Sellers who support the event and the casual visitor who was not aware of the Fair due to the sign been removed. The Fairs are one of the biggest fund raisers for the Hall, fortunately the numbers on the door were only slightly down on last year with one hundred and fifty one visitors enjoying the great array of books which were for sale, not forgetting the tasty treats in the Cafe. However it is always rewarding to see numbers on the increase at any event, which sad to say due to the sign been taken did not in this instance happen.

All quiet at the Hall this weekend with no hires booked in. ( 19th and 20th August ). We do hope everyone will instead be attending the local show on Saturday which is held on the field in front of Eshton Hall. Lots to see, show jumping, dog show, cattle, sheep, crafts, baking, horticulture, trade stands, fell race, childrens sports, Vintage vehicles and to round the day off the ever popular terrier racing.07966 912210.

Busy next weekend, beginning with a charity picnic supper dance on Friday, Coffee morning on bank holiday Saturday and Broadway Fairs on the Sunday and Gargrave Village Hall Management Fair on bank holiday Monday. Phew!


Picnic supper dance….

Lancashire musician Alan Cookson will be providing the live music for the Picnic supper dance on Friday evening ( 11th August). Please bring along your own Picnic supper. Tea and Coffee will be provided in the interval. A raffle will aid Village Hall funds. The dancing commences at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m. Admission is £6.00 per person on the door. There will be a slightly different format to the night as Alans performance will be on the dance floor rather than the stage due to on going work with the stage lighting and related insulation work in that area.

A mid week Book Fair will take place on Tuesday ( 15th August ) commencing at 10.a.m until 4.p.m. There will be a fantastic selection of books for sale from book sellers from all over the North West of England. There will be general paperbacks, specialist and antiquarian volumes. Something for everyone and prices to suit every pocket. Light refreshments will be available until 3.p.m. Admission will be 50p on the door. Come along and stock up on your Autumn reading selection. 01524 752968  07989 585564

Don`t forget the annual Jumble sale on Saturday 30th August. 10.a.m – 1.p.m. Donations now been accepted.

No open events this weekend…

A hectic weekend was enjoyed last week, both the Coffee morning and the Flea Market welcomed lots of customers. The Hall has a breather this Saturday and Sunday ( August 5th and 6th ) and will be closed to the public all weekend .

Up and coming events include a Picnic Supper dance on the 11th August and a mid week Book Fair on the 15th August. Further details on next weeks Post.

Don`t forget the annual Jumble sale on the 30th September. Donations are now being accepted. Contact 07989585564.

Two events to enjoy this weekend…..

Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee together with Gargrave Library will be holding a Coffee morning on Saturday in the Village Hall. Bacon sandwiches, toasted teacakes and lots of homemade cakes will be served from 10.a.m. Slices of cake may be purchased to take home if a bacon sandwich proves to be too filling to manage both treats.

A book and bric a brac stall will aid Hall funds and a raffle will boost the Library funds. The Library 100 club draw will also be held and there is the opportunity to register your interest to join in future draws. The cash prize draws are held monthly.

Sheila from Broadway Fairs will be back at the Hall on Sunday. She will be hosting a Flea Market and Craft Fair. There are lots of stalls booked in for the event which commences at 9.30.a.m until 3.30.p.m. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. Stallholders will be selling Vintage, Collectables, Bric a Brac, Books, Jigsaws, Gifts and Crafts. Something for everyone and a warm welcome guaranteed. 50p admission. Further details: 01757 1229805

Broadway Fairs will return on August Bank Holiday Sunday and Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will take over the reins on Bank Holiday Monday ( Enquiries  07989585564)