Exercise classes back in business…


A  phased re-opening is underway at the Village Hall with low risk/small groups gradually returning. The two small classes who returned on a trial basis during August  have felt both happy and safe with the Covid safe guidelines which have been put in place. Further small exercise classes continue to return during September. Fortunately exemptions to the new “six” ruling do include physical exercise.

A welcome back  Coffee morning was held on Saturday 12th September from 10.a.m until 1.p.m. Arrangements were slightly different to pre Corona days but the bacon sandwiches, cakes and warm welcome were just as good! Appreciation was shown by those attending who felt relieved to feel  a bit of normality had returned.  The Village Hall Management Committee are hoping it will be possible to stage further Coffee mornings during the year but clarity is needed first regarding the new ” six ” ruling which has now come into force, the guidelines provided by the Government are comprehensive but also incomprehensible! Therefore until further details are received there will be no Coffee mornings held in the near future

Events which attract large groups of people will not be returning yet , these will include Dances, Book Fairs and Flea Markets.

Unfortunately we cannot consider bookings from any new Hirers during the remainder of 2020.

Members of the Snooker club have now returned to their self contained Club and are enjoying been able to play again.. All members have been sent a  letter which contains the new guidelines that they must follow and which they must adhere too and respect. New members are always welcome, please contact Alan 07706406781   or Stewart    07999888697 for any details.

The community Library has re-opened and welcomes existing and new members. Weekly hours are Friday from 2.p.m until 4.p.m and Saturday from 10.a.m until Noon. One adult will be allowed in at any one time or one adult with up to three children from the same household or bubble.The two metre social distancing rule will be in place for anyone waiting to enter the Library.  The wearing of masks is preferable but not obligatory. All borrowers will be requested to leave their details for track and trace purposes.The use of the Computer and Photocopier is available and this will be by appointment only. One person will be allowed in the Library to use the equipment and only for a thirty minute session. This facility is not available during the Friday and Saturday browsing periods. PLEASE NOTE NEW CONTACT NUMBER:  01609 536547


If anyone is unable to obtain a particular book or author from the Library please use one of the contacts below as the Village Hall have a large store of books on all subjects which would normally be sold at Coffee Mornings and the Fairs and we would like to continue selling these to raise funds for the Village Hall.( Thank you so much to anyone who has made purchases during the last few weeks ) Therefore if you have any requests for specific books/authors please contact info@gargravevillagehall.org.uk, 01756 749235/07989585564 or drop a list off through the Village Hall letter box. It can be arranged that books may be collected from the Village Hall entrance or if anyone is still self isolating (  Gargrave Village only ) they can be left on your doorstep. Postal delivery may also be considered. Pre lockdown prices remain in place, only 50p each for Paperbacks and a £1.00 for hardbacks. Cash only on collection please.  We also have a variety of CD`s.

With the shutdown of the Flea Markets the regular Manorlands stall has also been unable to operate so please if you have any general requests for certain items of Bric a Brac, Household items, DVD`s etc you may also use the above contacts and  items may also be collected from the Village Hall. Again cash sales only please.






Village Hall Closed.

Sadly due to the current situation all events and classes are suspended until further notice at Gargrave Village Hall.

It is with great regret that the Art Exhibition Committee have taken the decision to cancel this years summer show. It would have been the 50th anniversary of this popular exhibition but looking on the positive side it gives the organisers more time to plan a really splendid celebration in 2021.

Gargrave and Malhamdale Community Library and Gargrave Parish Council Offices are also closed until further notice .

Library books which are currently on loan cannot be returned and any fines which arise during the closure period will be waived. If you have any queries regarding the Library please contact 07960704509 or email admin@gargravelibrary.co.uk

The Parish Council Clerk will continue to work her normal office hours, albeit remotely when required, to review emails, post and deal with any voicemails left on the Office phone. If anyone has any issues which would have been normally covered under public participation  please raise them with the Clerk. Reports from the Craven District, the County Council and the Police will continue to be reviewed and comments will be made on new planning applications. A regular report will be compiled based on the current Minutes format to keep people aware of progress on the various agenda items. There will be no public meetings held whilst the current restrictions are in place.

Regular updates will be posted on the website and any general  queries may be directed to info@gargravevillagehall.org.uk   or contact 07989585564 .

We hope to welcome back past, present and future bookings as soon as it is safe to do so.

Business as usual at Gargrave Village Hall

The weekend ahead commences with a Picnic Supper dance on Friday night. The live music for ballroom and sequence dance will be provided by the talented Lancashire Organist Elizabeth Harrison. Dancing commences at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m. Admission is £5.00 on the door. Please bring along your own Picnic Supper.

The Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee team will be kept busy on both Saturday and Sunday. They will be hosting the Coffee morning on Saturday . Bacon sandwiches, hot buttered teacakes and homemade cakes will be available from 10.a.m until Noon. A fun raffle and Book and CD stall will also aid funds.

The monthly Flea Market, Vintage and Collectable Fair will return on Sunday after a short Winter break. The Hall will be full of stalls selling a great variety of items. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. Please ask for the pocket sized booklet containing all the Flea Market dates for the rest of the year.

Book signing…

Author, John.A.White will be attending the first Book Fair of 2020 on Saturday when he will be signing copies of his latest books.

Both publications relate in part to Alfred John Brown who died in 1969, he was an author, rambler and proud Yorkshireman. Brown was one of the most popular and widely read authors of his day inspiring a generation of ramblers with his energetic prose, which was rich in anecdote and personal reminiscences and with an encyclopedic knowledge of Yorkshire.

Mr. White will be signing copies of ” The early 20th century poetry of Alfred John Brown, an anthology” and ” Alfred John Brown, writer, walker and passionate Yorkshireman” together they can be purchased for a total of just ten pounds.

The Book Fair will run from 10.a.m until 4.p.m and there will be thousands of Antiquarian, second hand and new books for sale, covering all subjects, plus ephemera, postcards and some CD`s.

Refreshments will also be available until 3.p.m, an hour before closure.

Enquiries please call 01524 752968 or 07989 585564

Don`t forget next weeks Flea Market, Vintage, Collectable and Craft Fair which will be taking place on Sunday 15th March, nor the Coffee morning the day before. Both events will be run by members of Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee.

Discover the wonders of the Night Sky …

The annual Carving buffet supper dance in aid of Gargrave Show funds will be taking place at the Village Hall on Friday evening. Please contact Lisa to reserve tickets and for further details : 01756 749320.

Skipton Town Hall on tour will be bringing the wonders of the Night Sky to Gargrave Village Hall on Sunday. The state of the art Cosmos Planetarium offers an immersive multi media theatre experience which will take you on a journey through space with a virtual reality head set. Under fives can enjoy a fun journey through the solar system with Ted and his best friend Plant. This twenty minute journey can be enjoyed at 10.a.m, Noon and 2.30.p.m. All ages can find out about life elsewhere in the Universe at 10.30.a.m, 1.p.m and 3.p.m, whilst the Apollo programme and what it took to put the first human on the moon can be viewed at 11.15.p.m and 1.45.p.m. Booking is essential, the cost is six pounds per show which also includes the opportunity to take part in Cosmic Crafts! Please contact Skipton Town Hall direct for more information on 01756 792809. Online skiptontownhall,digitickets.co.uk or box office at Skipton information centre on Coach street in Skipton.

Don`t forget the Book Fair at the Hall, next week on the 7th March. There will be thousands of Books for sale covering every subject. Author John .A. White will also be signing copies of his books, Alfred John Brown, writer, walker and passionate Yorkshireman and the early 20th century poetry of Alfred John Brown ( 1894-1969), an anthology. Both books can be purchased for a total price of ten pounds.

Panto Weekend…..

Members of Gargrave Pantomime group perform their annual production this coming weekend, the long awaited show of Dick Whittington and his Cat Steve commences with the first performance on Thursday evening ( February 20th ) at 7.15.p.m.

Further performances take place on Friday at 7.15.p.m and two shows on Saturday at 1.p.m and 5.p.m.

Directed by Anita Eccles and starring Laura Lipscombe as Steve, the panto tells the familiar story of Dick Whittington`s exploits in London, via a rather untraditional route to a Morecambe nightclub overrun with rats, headed by the evil King Rat. The significance of Dicks cats name becomes clear once everyone  realises that apparently the entire crew of the Pantomime have the name Steve. Will Dick ever make it back to London to be re-united with his love Alice, despite the comic incompetence of the ships crew?

With all the classic ingredients of dancing children, slapstick comedy, and a hint of political satire this show has something for everyone. Tickets on the door are priced at £9 and £6 for concessions.

Broadway Fairs will be at the Village Hall on Sunday with their monthly Flea Market and Allsorts Fair commencing at 10.a.m until 3.30.p.m. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. The Village Hall Management Committee monthly Flea Market, Collectable and Craft Fairs will be returning from their Winter break on Sunday 15th March with the first Book Fair of the year the week before on Saturday 7th March.

Fancy discovering the wonders of the Night Sky???

Visit one of the Shows at the Village Hall on Sunday March 1st when Skipton Town Hall on Tour will be bringing their Cosmos Planetarium multi media theatre experience to the Village. Journey through space with a virtual reality headset and take part in Cosmic Crafts!  Teds space adventure for the under fives at 10.a.m, Noon, and 1.30.p.m ( 20 minute show ), We are Aliens at 10.30.a.m, 1.p.m and 3.p.m and the Apollo story at 11.15.p.m and 1.45.p.m, both of the latter are 30 minute shows and for all ages.

Booking is essential, £6 per show. Online via skiptontownhall.digitickets.co.uk. Phone 01756 792809 or Box Office at Skipton information centre, Coach Street, Skipton.


Friday Dancing, Saturday Bacon Butties!

The weekend commences at the Village Hall on Friday evening with the popular monthly Picnic Supper Dance. Lancashire Musician Alan Cookson will be providing the live music for ballroom and sequence dancing from 7.30.p.m. Admission is £5.00 on the door. Please bring along your own Picnic Supper.

The Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will be hosting the Coffee morning on Saturday . Bacon butties , hot buttered teacakes and homemade cakes will be available from 9.45.a.m until Noon. A fun raffle, book and CD stall will also aid funds. The small pocket Membership booklets will also be on sale, the annual publications are a handy source of information, listing contact details and events, they cost £3.00 and proceeds aid general Hall funds.

Don`t forget next weekends Panto, commencing on the 20th – 22nd February. Tickets are available from the Dalesman Café in the Village or from the Library. Or contact 07766001163 ( evenings only ).

Weekend News..

Gargrave and Malhamdale Library are showing the film ” The Peanut Butter Falcon” on Friday evening. This humorous and inspirational film, starring Shia Labeouf and Dakota Johnson tells the story of Zak, a young man with Downs Syndrome who escapes from his residential home to pursue his dream of becoming a professional Wrestler. Zak meets up with a small time outlaw and they set off on an adventure. Zak is played by Zack Gottasgen who has a learning disability and the film is part of Mencap`s ” Here I am” campaign.

The customary Café style seating will be in place so please bring your own refreshments. Doors open at 7.p.m for a 7.30.p.m start. Tickets are £5.00 on the door.

Th Library Volunteers will be back in action on Saturday when they will be holding a Coffee morning in aid of Village Hall funds. Bacon sandwiches and homemade cakes will be available in the main Hall from 10.a.m until Noon. Members of the Pantomime group will also be selling tickets for their forthcoming performances on Thursday 20th February and Friday 21st February at 7.15.p.m and two performances on the 22nd February at 1.p.m and 5.p.m. Tickets are priced at £8.00, concessions £5.00. Ticket purchases on the door at the performances are £9.00 and £6.00.

The performance of Dick Whittington tells the familiar tale of Dick`s tribulations as he arrives in London, and his adventures at sea, with some un-expected diversions into a Morecambe night club!!


A big thank you to everyone who came along to the Open day Coffee morning on the 25th January and for the positive comments received about the recent improvements to the Snooker Room. They were much appreciated.

A quiet weekend at the Hall this week but a reminder that on Saturday 8th February the Pantomime section will be selling tickets again at the Coffee morning  for their productions later on in the month, February 20th  – 22nd.


Open day Coffee morning…

Have a tour of the Hall and see the improvements to the Games rooms on Saturday morning. The Snooker club is now entirely self contained with its own toilet facilities, the room has been totally re-decorated and there is new lighting and flooring. There are two full sized Snooker tables and Membership covers year round access to the great facilities. Snooker club representatives will be on hand to discuss any queries . The adjacent Match room has now been turned into an extra meeting room, again totally re-decorated and with new flooring and lighting.

Representatives from the various classes and groups using the premises on a regular basis will almost all be in attendance to give information on anything from Art, Tai Chi, Pilates, Yoga, and even Fuchsia and Geraniums!

The WI and the Library group will also be represented and the Pantomime group will be selling tickets for their forthcoming performances of Dick Whittington ( please see the poster in the gallery section on the home page of the website ).

The Parish Council Office is located in the Village Hall so this will be open too on Saturday and the Parish clerk and a Councillor will be available for any questions.

There are likely to be short demonstrations of Tai Chi, Yoga and Pilates, these will be held in the Annex, do please ask the teachers about these if you are interested in a short taster session.

Annual membership books will be available to purchase, these are pocket sized booklets, listing useful dates and contact details. They are priced at £3.00 each and proceeds go towards Village Hall funds.

There will also be a Book stall and raffle, not forgetting tasty bacon sandwiches, hot buttered teacakes and a variety of homemade cakes, all available from 9.30a.m. to Noon.

The members of the Village Hall Management Committee thought this was an opportune time to hold an Open day morning as it is also National Village Halls open day, celebrating the rural community Halls and buildings nationwide.

Broadway Fairs will be at the Hall on Sunday for their first Flea Market and Allsorts Fair of 2020. Opening hours are 10.a.m until 3.30.p.m. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. Lots of stalls with affordable and unique items.