It`s almost here-The Annual grand jumble sale – Saturday.

The popular annual event is on Saturday 1st October. Doors open at 10.a.m and the sale finishes at 1.p.m. Free admission.Vast quantities of Jumble have been arriving throughout the last few months and culminate in the Grand Jumble event of the year!

There is literally everything bar the kitchen sink , though if you need taps for your sink we do have those! Small furniture, pictures, garden items, sports items, craft items, Christmas decorations, Toys, Books, Jewellery, Electrical goods, Lamps, Homeware, Bedding, Clothing and Bric a Brac – All at bargain prices.

A well stocked tombola will also aid Hall funds.

Take a break from buying and enjoy a Coffee and homemade cake in our spacious Cafe area.

A very full weekend ahead…..

There will be lots happening at the Hall this weekend: Friday 23rd September to Sunday 25th September.

On Friday evening, local families are organising a Picnic supper dance in aid of the Air Ambulance. Cumbrian musician Denis Westmorland will be providing the live accordion music. Please bring along your own Picnic supper. Tea and Coffee will be provided in the interval. The event begins at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m. Admission £6.00. A raffle will also aid the charity. Further details please contact Brian or Kath on 01729 830217.

A Book Fair will be held on Saturday from 10.a.m until 4.p.m. There will be literally hundreds of books ranging from general paperbacks at bargain prices through to speciality books including rare and antiquarian volumes. Admission is just 50p. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. A good opportunity to begin the search for that ideal Christmas gift or to just stock up on your own winter reading.01524 752968.

Broadway Fairs will be hosting a Flea Market and Craft Fair on Sunday. Open 10.a.m until 3.30.p.m. Lots of stalls selling Collectables, Bric a Brac, Books, Jewellery, Jigsaws and Crafts. 50p admission. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. 01757(Selby code) 229805.

Don`t forget the annual Jumble sale which will be held on Saturday 1st October from 10.a.m until 1.p.m. Donations for the Jumble and Tombola may be left at the Hall on Friday 30th September up until 5.p.m. All items gratefully received but please no large electrical items, TV or Printers. Furniture which will go in a standard vehicle also accepted.

There will be some great bargains so please come along and support the event which will be raising much needed funds for the Hall which like many other venues is facing a huge increase in energy costs ( quadrupling ).

Hot drinks and homemade cake also available, plenty of seating in a room seperate from the fray! 01756 749235. 07989 585564.

Sad News….

We at Gargrave Village Hall are so sad to hear of the death of our Queen. We have lowered the flag at the Hall to half mast and as a mark of respect we have cancelled the Picnic Supper dance which was due to have been held on Friday evening. This event will be re-scheduled for Friday 7th October and The Silhouette band will be providing the live music.

We held a Collectable and Craft Fair in the Hall on Sunday and had a Condolence book which was provided by Gargrave Parish Council. There were many tributes and messages left, many from visitors who were so grateful that they could leave messages of sympathy whilst they were away from home. The Condolence book is now back in the library where messages may be left during their opening hours on Tuesday and Saturday mornings and Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons.

The first film of the Autumn season will be shown by Gargrave Cinema club on Friday evening the 16th September. 7.p.m for 7.30.p.m. The Duke is a 2020 British comedy drama dealing with the true story of the 1961 theft of the Portrait of the Duke of Wellington from a London Gallery. It features Jim Broadbent and Helen Mirren in the title roles. The customary Cafe style seating will be in place so please bring your own refreshments. Tickets are £5.00 on the door.

The Hall will be completely closed on Monday 19th September.

The Yorkshire Harpist in Concert….

Fiona Katie Widdup, The Yorkshire Harpist, will be bringing her special performance to Gargrave Village Hall on Friday evening, September 2nd. The concert is a special collaboration between the husband and wife team, David writes the words and music about fascinating characters from his past whilst Fiona plays one or more of the thirty harps she has designed and made herself. Earlier this year she played at The Great North Folk Festival in Whitby and received rave reviews.

Tickets are priced at £10,00 each and include a complimentary glass of wine. Tickets are available by calling 07999 805816 or they may be purchased from the door on the eving from 6.30.p.m. The concert begins at 7.p.m until 9.p.m.

A Dancing and Fair weekend!

A Charity dance organised by Brian and Kath Wellock and their friends will be held in the Village Hall on Friday evening, commencing at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m. Live music will be provided by Bon Accorde. Please bring along your own Picnic supper, tea and coffee will be served in the interval. A raffle will aid funds for charity. Further details please call 01729 830217.

Don`t miss out on all the bargains over the Bank Holiday weekend. Sheila from Broadway Fairs will be holding a Flea Market and Craft Fair on Sunday August 28th and on Monday the 29th Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will take over the reins when they will be holding a Collectables and Craft Fair. A small number of stall holders will be attending both events whilst others will just be there on the one day so there will be lots of different stock arriving on Monday. Both days are well worth a visit and admission is only 50p. There will be lots of bargains but also some unique pieces to choose from the Vintage, Collectables, Bric a Brac, Jewellery, Books, Jigsaws and Crafts which will be displayed. Stalls will also be in attendance raising funds for Manorlands, Gargrave Village Hall and the Cats Protection league. The latter will have a well stocked tombola selling tickets on the Sunday. The events commence at 10.a.m, but slightly earlier entry is fine if more convenient as most stalls are set up by 9.a.m. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m on both days, the events close at 3.30.p.m.

Mid week Book Fair…

Come along to the Village Hall on Tuesday ( 16th August ) and get stocked up with all your books for summer and beyond – not long until Christmas!!

Open 10.a.m until 4.p.m. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. Admission just 50p or by donation.

Hundreds of books on every subject from general paperback and hardback at bargain prices through to rare and antiquarian.

Some CD`s and DVD`s too.

Dancing next weekend ( 12th August )

A Picnic Supper dance will be held on Friday evening the 12th August with live music from the popular Cumbrian musician Denis Westmorland. The event commences at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m. Please bring along your own Picnic supper, tea and coffee will be provided in the interval. A raffle will aid funds. Admission is £6.00 per person on the door.

Don`t forget the mid week Book Fair on Tuesday 16th August. This will open at 10.a.m until 4.p.m. It is a great opportunity to stock up on Summer reading. There will be hundreds of general titles in both paperback and hardback, all at bargain prices, rare and antiquarian publications will also be available to purchase. This mid week event was held for the first time last year and proved to be very popular, please come along and see what is on offer. Meet the friendly stallholders from all over the North West . Admission is just 50p or by donation. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. Enquiries 01524 752968.

Coffee and bargains this weekend…

Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee jointly with Gargrave Library Committee will be holding one of their popular Coffee mornings on Saturday in the Village Hall. Bacon sandwiches, toasted teacakes and lots of homemade cakes will be on the menu. Slices of cake to takeaway will also be available. A raffle will aid Library funds whilst a Book stall will aid Hall funds. Open 10.a.m – Noon.

Sheila from Broadway Fairs will be hosting a Flea Market and Craft Fair in the Hall on Sunday. There will be lots of unique and affordable items so come along and grab a bargain. There will be Vintage and Collectable items, books, jigsaws, jewellery, gifts, bric a brac and crafts for sale. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. Opening hours 9.30.a.m until 3.30.p.m. Admission is just 50p on the door.

The next Flea Market, Collectable and Crafts Fair will be held on Sunday 28th August ( Broadway Fairs ) and Monday 29th August ( Gargrave Village Hall Management event ).

A quiet weekend…

After the buzz of the annual Art show last weekend we now have a quiet weekend with no open events taking place. The Hall will be in use by private Hirers but next weekend on the Saturday ( 30th July ) the Village Hall Committee jointly with the Library committee will be holding a Coffee morning with bacon sandwiches, toasted teacakes and of course the delicious array of homemade cakes.

Sheila from Broadway Fairs will be holding a Flea Market and Craft Fair on the Sunday ( 31st July ) from 10.a.m until 3.p.m.

Gargrave Art Exhibition – Golden Anniversary celebrations…

In this Platinum Jubilee year, Gargrave Art Exhibition is celebrating all things Golden. After a two year delay due to Covid the doors will be open for the fiftieth show. There will be contributions from Gargrave Art Group, including works on their theme for this year `Gold`. The children and staff of Gargrave Primary school are also very excited to be involved. There will be many other Artists showing and selling their works, so come along and enjoy the fantastic selection of Artworks. Gargrave 2022 group will be selling light refreshments.

Opening hours are: Thursday and Friday, 14th and 15th July  11.a.m – 7.p.m.

Saturday 16th July 10.a.m – 7.p.m.

Sunday 17th July 10.a.m -4.30.p.m

Free Entry,