There will be No Coffee morning on Saturday.

Skipton Town hall on tour will be visiting  Gargrave on Sunday evening. The Quantum theatre production will be performing Shakespeare`s `A Midsummer nights dream`.  Tickets are priced at 12.00 and 15.00. Please contact Craven District Council for further details. Tickets are also available from Skipton Information centre on Coach street, Skipton. The Play will commence at 7.p.m.

The annual Jumble sale on Saturday 14th September is fast approaching. Donations of saleable goods may be left at the Hall on weekday mornings, preferably left in the Café area , access via the kitchen door. Alternately collection can be arranged by contacting 01756 749235. Please no large electrical items e.g. TV`s, Printers, Fridges, Washers etc. Tombola prizes also gratefully received. Help with selling on the day would be much appreciated ( light lunch provided ). Please contact Caroline 01756 749235 with offers of help.

Andy Wiseman will be performing his Neil Diamond Tribute show again this year. Please check out his poster in the gallery section. Tickets available from Gillians Hairdressers and the Dalesman Café in the Village. Saturday 7th September. A great night of entertainment was enjoyed by all in 2018.