Come along to the Village Hall on Sunday and enjoy an afternoon of music from the movies and musicals. The event is organised by  Kath and Richard who kindly donate the proceeds from the event to Village Hall funds. The music is ideal for Popular sequence dancing, so come along and enjoy a spin around the best sprung dance floor in the North West. Admission is £3.00 ( cash only please ) per person on the door with tea and biscuits served in the interval. The event commences at 2.p.m until 4.p.m. If you are a non dancer but a music lover you will still enjoy the event and are assured of a warm and friendly welcome. Further details from Kath 07786841570.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended last weeks Picnic Supper dance and in particular Kath and Richard who saved the day (night ). The electric supply went off around 8.p.m until around 10.30.p.m. Unfortunately Elizabeth was unable to continue with her live music so Kath and Richard stepped in with their great selection of dance music via their lap top. Elizabeth kindly stayed and helped Kath. Fortunately the Halls emergency lighting was just adequate to provide sufficient light for the dance to continue and heating wasn`t needed due to the rise in temperature. It showed real Dunkirk spirit and it was a night to remember!