We do hope everyone had a Happy Christmas and enjoyed good health.

We are pleased to welcome back both our Hirers and Patrons and hopefully we can look forward to 2022 with some optimism.

We do have events planned for January and we hope that Covid regulations will allow us to continue with our plans.

The first event is a Picnic Supper dance on the 14th January, a Coffee morning on the 22nd, the Library Film show on the 28th and the first Flea Market of the year on the 30th January.

Plans later in the year include a Royal celebration in June when we intend to celebrate the Queen`s Platinum Jubilee with a Coffee morning on Friday 3rd June, we may well include a display of Royal and Village memorabilia  during the morning too. We shall be holding a Book Fair on Saturday 4th June and on Sunday the 5th June we shall be holding an afternoon tea with live music, celebrating the music of the Platinum era. This will be a ticket event only so more details will be supplied nearer the time, but please if you would like to reserve a place you can do so at any time.