Coffee mornings
- January 13, 2018
- 00:00
- Gargrave Village Hall
A Coffee morning will be held on Saturday 13th January commencing at 9.30.a.m in aid of Pantomime funds
A Coffee morning will be held on Saturday 13th January commencing at 9.30.a.m in aid of Pantomime funds
The popular Cumbrian Musician Dennis Westmorland will be providing the live accordion music for the dance on Friday evening the 12th January. Please bring along your own picnic supper. Doors open 7.p.m for a 7.30.p.m start. £5 admission. Further details please contact Joan 01756 749468
A Christmas family warmer will be shown on Friday 22nd December. The Comedy film ” What we did on our Holidays” is written by Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkins of BBC “Outnumbered ” fame. The stars are David Tennant, Rosamund Pike, Billy Connolly and three wise cracking children. There will be Café style seating in […]
Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee AGM. 7pm
Chance2dance Academy presents its Christmas show called “Work in progress” at The Village Hall West Street Gargrave on Saturday 16th December at 4.30pm. Tickets will be available on the door, adults £6.00 children £2.00. All welcome! The dance recital showcases talented local children who tap, pirouette and jete through a variety of dances. For further […]
A Christmas Flea Market, Vintage, Collectables and Crafts Fair will be held on Sunday 10th December. There will be stalls selling Antiques, Collectables, Jewellery, Books, Vintage, Bric a Brac and Crafts. Please come along and meet some of the new stallholders who will be exhibiting crafts at the hall for the first time, enjoy a […]
A Book Fair will be held on Saturday 9th December from 10.a.m until 4.p.m. There will be literally thousands of secondhand books to purchase from dealers and individuals from all over the North West of England and beyond. Why not call in to have a look around there will be an amazing selection of books. […]
Gargrave School PTA. Craft Fair. 9.a.m – 3.p.m
The Picnic Supper dance will take place on Friday the 10th November at Gargrave Village Hall. Enjoy Sequence and Ballroom dancing with live music provided by Elizabeth Harrison. The event starts at 7.30pm and is due to end at 11pm. For more information call Elizabeth on 07814 261983
The Swing Commanders, the Lancashire based 1940`s band will be returning to the Village hall on Friday November 3rd for their annual visit. Last year they hit new heights with their high energy performance. The refined harmonies and hot solo`s combined with lots of humour provide some great entertainment. Tickets are £10.00 each and during […]
Gargrave and Malhamdale Community Library present ” The Peanut butter Falcon “. Doors open at 7.p.m for 7.30.p.m start. Admission £5.00 on the door. Café style seating , please bring along your own refreshments. Accompanied under sixteens free. Sorry only Guide dogs allowed.
There are no public events at the Hall this weekend ( January 19th – 21st ), just private hirers. Still not too late to support the Village Hall funds by buying a 2024 calendar featuring views of in and around Gargrave. Price £10.00 and available from the Library at the Village Hall which is open […]
Friday evening , charity picnic supper dance in aid of the Air Ambulance. Please bring your own picnic supper, tea and coffee will be provided in the interval. Live music for modern sequence dancing from Bon Accord. 7.30.p.m – 11.p.m. £6.00 admission on the door. Cash only please. A bumper weekend of bargains with unique […]
Picnic Supper dance, live music for modern sequence dancing was scheduled from musician Denis Westmorland. Unfortunately Denis has had a nasty accident working in his garden so is off the road for a few weeks. However we are delighted that Cath and Richard will step into the breach. You will know them well for organising […]