Gargrave Cinema club will be screening the popular and thought provoking film The Upside on Friday evening in the Village Hall. The comedy drama follows the unlikely friendship between Philip, a wealthy quadriplegic and Dell an ex convict hired as a carer. As they navigate their contrasting worlds, Dells carefree attitude brings humour and vitality to Philips structured life. Together they challenge societal expectations and discover the importance of connection, resilience and embracing lifes joys. Ultimately their bond transforms both their lives in unexpected ways. The film stars Kevin Hart, Bryan Cranston and Nicole Kidman.

The customary Cafe style seating will be in place so please bring your own refreshments. The Village Hall doors open at 7.p.m with the film commencing at 7.30.p.m. Tickets are £5.00 ( cash only please ) on the door with accompanied under sixteens free. Sorry but only guide dogs are allowed to this event. Proceeds from the night go towards the running costs of the Community Library.

Future events leading up to Christmas:  Saturday 7th December:  Book Fair. 10.a.m – 3.30.p.m.

Friday 13th December: Picnic Supper dance with the live music from Silhouette. 7.30.p.m.- 11.p.m.

Sunday 15th December: Collectable and Craft Fair. 9.30.a.m – 3.30.p.m.

Friday 20th December: Film night. 7.30.p.m.

Saturday 21st December: Coffee morning with music from the Craven Accordion Orchestra                                                                                           10.a.m-Noon.

Friday 27th December: Afternoon tea dance with Cath and Richard 2.p.m-4.p.m.