Collectable and Craft Fair

Members of Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee are busy preparing for their next three months of organising two Collectable and Craft Fairs per month this is due to the retirement of Sheila from Broadway Fairs who would normally have been the organiser of the Fair which takes place on the last Sunday of the month. The Committee took over the running of Sheila`s Fair as well as their own so that the calendar of Fairs could continue and would avoid any disappointment for either stallholders or customers. It is a big ask of the Committee who also run many other events at the Hall and are also involved in the day to day running but they are up for the challenge !!

Please note though that the Craft Fair due to have taken place on the 16th and 17th November has had to be cancelled.

Next year ( 2025) there will be one Fair run per month and the calendar of dates is currently been prepared.

This Sundays event originally was a sell out with every stall taken including those in both of the side rooms but unfortunately two regular sellers are unwell and another gentleman has had to give backword due to poor health. We wish them all a speedy recovery. Therefore if anyone wishes to make a last minute booking please call 07989585564. There will still be lots to see and buy on Sunday, ranging from Collectables, Vintage, Bric a Brac, Books, Small furniture ( in the larger of the side rooms ), Gifts, Pictures, Jigsaws and Crafts. Not forgetting the tombola in aid of the Cats Protection League and stalls raising funds for Manorlands Hospice and the Village Hall itself. The bumper Book sale will be in the side room, again raising funds for the Village Hall. A super incentive to fill a carrier bag with as many books as you want for just £2.00! If anyone wants books for their charity, school, nursery , residential home or social hub please let one of the Committee members know as the Village Hall are happy to donate books to any of these causes free of charge. The event opens at 9.30.a.m please call in earlier if it fits in better with your days plans as most stalls are set up by 9.a.m. Light refreshments will be for sale from around 9.30.a.m until 3.p.m, with the Fair closing at 3.30.p.m. Admission is 50p. The majority of stalls can only accept cash please and this includes sales in the Cafe. The outdoor plant stall will not be at the Hall on Sunday but will be back on the 13th October.

Don`t forget the Annual Jumble sale which will be held on Saturday 5th October from 10.a.m until 1.p.m. All sorts of items are coming in already including a Mobility scooter!

Book Fair

Hundreds and hundreds of books for sale on Saturday from established Book sellers from all over the North West. General paperbacks and hardbacks through to speciality and antiquarian volumes. Not forgetting the Village Halls own little book stall as you head to the Cafe area this will be selling books very cheaply due to the high amount they currently have in stock. The Fair opens at 10.a.m until 4.p.m. Light refreshments are available until 3.p.m. Admission 50p on the door. Some stallholders do have card readers but some can only accept cash please, this includes sales in the Cafe.

A great day out for anyone who loves books and reading. Dare we say its just under a hundred days until Christmas so a good opportunity to buy books for gifts.

Dates to remember: Collectable and Craft Fair Sunday 29th September,

Annual Jumble sale, Saturday 5th October.

Afternoon Tea Dance ( popular sequence dancing ), Sunday 6th October.

Busy weekend ahead….

There will be a Picnic Supper dance on Friday evening ( 13th September )in the Village Hall. Live music for modern sequence dancing will be provided by the popular group Silhouette. Please bring along your own Picnic supper, tea and coffee will be provided in the interval. Admission is £6.00 per person on the door, cash only please. A raffle will aid Village Hall funds. The music commences at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m.

The Pantomime group will be holding their audition day on Saturday from 10.a.m until 4.p.m.  Oh Yes they will! Please check out their facebook page for more details.

Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will be holding a Collectable and Craft Fair on Sunday, the fairs will now be run twice monthly up until December. The Committee have taken over the running of Broadway Fairs as well as their own up until the year end as Sheila is no longer able to run the Broadway events due to ill health ( we are pleased to say that Sheila is feeling much better than she was),This is a big ask for the volunteers on the Management Committee so they look forward to the support of both stallholders and customers. The Craft Fair due to have taken place on the 16th and 17th November has however had to be cancelled.

The Hall is  fully booked on Sunday with a great selection of stalls, selling an amazing array of items ranging from Vintage, Collectables, Bric a Brac, Gifts, Pictures, Books, Small furniture, Jigsaws and Crafts. Something for everyone, both unique and affordable items. Light refreshments will be for sale in the Cafe until 3.p.m. Bethany will be outside the Hall with her plant stall and there will be the bargain book sale in the side room of the Hall with proceeds for Village Hall funds. Books just 50p each or three for a £1 or better still fill a carrier bag for £2!! Please let one of the Committee members know if you would like any books for a school, nursing home, play school or charitable group as they will be happy to donate books to any of those causes, free of charge. The event opens at 9.30.a.m until 3.30.p.m but please call in earlier if it fits in better with your days plans. Most stalls are set up by 9.a.m. The majority of stallholders can only accept cash please, likewise sales in the Cafe. There is a cash machine in the Village but it is best to come prepared.

The next Collectable and Craft Fair will be on Sunday 29th September, with a Book Fair the week before on Saturday 21st September.

Jumble sale Saturday 5th October 10.a.m – 1.p.m.



Music for Mind – Saxophone Concert

The Perfect Fourth Saxophone Quartet ( ) will be presenting a free afternoon concert in the Village Hall on Sunday afternoon at 2.30.p.m. No ticket is required, seating will be Cafe style. The music will be varied from Bach to Billie Jean.

Tea, Coffee and biscuits will be for sale in the interval with proceeds for Village Hall funds. ( cash only please )

Further details from 07967 097394

Dates ahead: September 13th – Picnic supper dance with live music from Silhouette

September 15th- Back to fortnightly Collectable and Craft Fairs

Collectable and Craft two day Fair….

Friday evening , charity picnic supper dance in aid of the Air Ambulance. Please bring your own picnic supper, tea and coffee will be provided in the interval. Live music for modern sequence dancing from Bon Accord. 7.30.p.m – 11.p.m. £6.00 admission on the door. Cash only please.

A bumper weekend of bargains with unique and collectable items for sale at the Village Hall Collectable and Craft Fair which is held on both Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday. There are lots of stallholders in attendance from both the local area and further afield, the main hall and the side room will be full of Collectables, Vintage, Bric a Brac, Books, Gifts, Jewellery, Jigsaw and Crafts. Some stallholders will be selling on just the Sunday and some on just the Monday whilst some will be there over the two days.It is certainly worth a trip on both days as stock will change, there will be some stalls with genuine house clearance items so these are always of interest. A stall will be raising funds for the local hospice, Manorlands , one will raise funds for the Village Hall and fundraisers from the Cats Protection league will have both a stall and tombola. Outdoor plant stall. Lots happening on both days. Homemade refreshments available until 3.p.m. each day. Admission 50p on the door, open at 9.30.a.m until 3.30.p.m. Please call in earlier if it fits in better with your days plans, most stalls are open by 9.a.m. The majority of stalls including the Cafe sales can only accept cash please. There is a cash machine in the Village but please come prepared – it has been known to run out!         P.S. Don`t forget the Village Hall bargain book sale ( in the side room ), 50p each or 3 for a £1 or better still fill a carrier bag for £2. If you would like any of the books for a residential home, school or playschool please let us know as we are happy to donate books free of charge to you. See you at the weekend.

Collectable and Craft Fair

Everyone at Gargrave Village Hall, committee members, stallholders and customers continue to send Sheila of Broadway Fairs their very best wishes in her retirement and a return to better health.

Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee are taking over the running of Sheila`s end of the month Fairs for the remainder of 2024 so as not to disappoint stallholders and visitors to the events with any  cancellations. However the weekend Craft Fair which was scheduled for the 16th and 17th November will not be taking place.

This Sunday ( 28th July ) will see a pretty packed hall full of stalls selling Vintage, Collectables, Bric a Brac, Books, Small furniture, Gifts, Jigsaws and Crafts. The Cats Protection League will have their popular Tombola stall and their will be a stall raising funds for Manorlands Hospice. The side room will be dedicated to a bumper book sale in aid of Village Hall funds. If any schools, play schools or residential homes would like any books the Village Hall will be happy to donate these free of charge to them. Please contact 07989 585564 or ask to speak to Caroline or Michael on Sunday. The Plant stall will be outside the Hall and Jo and her family will be providing homemade light refreshments. The event opens at 9.30.a.m until 3.30.p.m. Admission 50p.

The next Collectable and Craft Fair will be over the Bank Holiday on August 25th and 26th.

The next Book Fair will be a mid week event on Tuesday 13th August.10.a.m – 4.p.m.

Race across the World -SOLD OUT!

An evening with James and Betty, our Village contestants in the TV programme Race across the World is a SOLD OUT event on Friday evening and unfortunately there will be no tickets available on the door.

Don`t forget next weeks Collectable and Vintage Fair ( Sunday 28th July – where has this month gone?). The event will be run by Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee as sadly Sheila from Broadway Fairs has had to retire due to health problems. Please note that the Management Committee hope to continue to run the remaining Broadway Fairs for the rest of the year with the exception of the two day Craft and Gift  Fair on the 16th and 17th November which is now cancelled. From September there will be two Fairs per month and in August a two day event on Bank Holiday Sunday and Monday 25th and 26th August. All enquiries to 07989585564. Pocket booklets are available with all the days listed and these can be posted to you be emailing or contacting the above number.

Another date to remember is the mid week Book Fair on Tuesday August 13th. 10.a.m – 4.p.m.

Annual Art Exhibition

The Annual Art Exhibition is open to the public from Thursday 4th July until Sunday 7th July.

Opening hours are 10.a.m – 7.p.m and on Sunday 10.a.m until 4.30.p.m.

The main Hall is normally the venue for any elections but due to a clash with the Art Exhibition the voting will take place in the Village Hall Annexe. To access the Annexe please turn right at the front of the Hall past the green garage doors and enter the building via the back/kitchen door, turn immediate right on entry, follow the corridor to the end where you will find the Annexe and the election officers. Voting hours are 7.a.m until 10.p.m.

Everyone at the Village Hall is very sad to hear that Sheila of Broadway Fairs has been advised by her doctors to retire fully from organising her Fairs and providing catering for events. Sheila has been a stalwart supporter of the Village Hall for over twenty years. We send all our good wishes and hopefully we shall see her in the future when she feels well enough to pay a visit. Members of Gargrave Village Hall Committee intend to continue to run the Broadway Fairs until the end of the year in addition to their own monthly Fairs. It is a big ask for them as they are all volunteers but they hope to fulfil all the dates printed in the pocket booklets if they possibly can. Future Fair dates are  on Sunday July 28th and Sunday and Monday 25th and 26th of August. Once September is reached there will be two Fairs per month, these will be listed in the events list on the website and in posts as it gets nearer the time. Please call 07989585564 if you would like a pocket booklet of dates sending or if you would like to book a stall.

Please note the two day Craft Fair which would have been organised by Sheila on the 16th and 17th November is now cancelled.

Don`t forget the mid week Book Fair which will be held on Tuesday 13th August. 10.a.m – 4.p.m.

Open gardens weekend..

Members and friends of St. Andrews church will be at the Village Hall over the weekend selling refreshments and maps for the Open gardens in Gargrave. Further details please call 07979 304914 or email

Time for a breather……

Thankfully for the volunteers at the Village Hall it is a quiet weekend with only private hirers using the premises.

A big thank you is extended to all those involved with the running of last weekends events ( The Library and their Cinema club, The Library and the Village Hall Management Committee for their Coffee morning and the Management Committee who took over the running of Broadway Fairs so as not to disappoint both stall holders and visitors ). Everyone did a great job at all three events.

We were pleased to welcome two groups of cyclists to the Coffee morning, they were Falklands veterans and were riding from Lands End to John O`Groats, we hope they all got to their destination safely. One group had a sugar overload with cakes whilst the others went down the salt route with bacon sandwiches! They too like all our volunteers will be looking forward to a quieter weekend.

Looking ahead with dates: 8th June Book Fair, 14th June Picnic Supper dance with live music from Silhouette,  16th June Collectable and Craft Fair.