A Packed weekend of events….

The busy weekend at the Hall begins with a Picnic Supper dance on Friday evening. Cumbrian musician Denis Westmorland will be providing the live music for modern sequence dancing. Please bring along your own Picnic supper, tea and coffee will be provided in the interval. The music commences at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m. Admission is £6.00 per person on the door, cash only please. A raffle will aid Village Hall funds.

The Craven Accordion orchestra will be celebrating their 30th anniversary on Saturday and will be hosting a free open door event from 11.a.m until 4.p.m.. There will be music related trade stands and craft stalls. A showcase concert will be held in the evening commencing at 7.30.p.m. Tickets are priced at £10.00 each with concessions at £8.00 . Please contact cravenschoolofmusic@hotmail.co.uk for your tickets.

A Collectable and Craft fair will round off the weekend on Sunday. Lots of stalls selling Collectables, Vintage, Bric a Brac, Small furniture, Gifts, Pictures, Books, Jigsaws and Crafts.  There will also be stalls raising funds for the Village Hall itself, Manorlands and the Cats Protection League. The bargain book stall will be in one of the side rooms, with all books cheap as chips. Please let one of the Village Hall Committee members know if you would like books for a Nursery, Play group, School or Residential home as we are happy to donate books free of charge to any of these groups. The event opens at 9.30.a.m, but pop in earlier if it fits in better with your days plans as most stalls are set up by 9.a.m. The doors close around 3.30.p.m. Light refreshments are available until 3.p.m. Admission is 50p on the door. The majority of stalls can only accept cash please, there is a cash machine in the Village but always best to come prepared – we don`t want it to have run out! Bethany will be outside the hall with her plant and flower stall. Unfortunately Oliver the young man who was coming to have a toy stall is unwell but he hopes to be at the next Fair ( see date below)

The next Fair will be on the 27th October.

Many thanks to all who supported last weeks Jumble sale, a grand total of £2917.00 was raised. Amongst some of the items we have left to sell there is a Mobility scooter, hardly used. Strider make. Just needs a new battery. To view please contact 07989585564

A weekend of Private Hires.

There are no public events at the Hall this weekend ( 7th & 8th September ) only private hires.

Congratulations to The Perfect Fourth Saxophone Quartet who presented a free afternoon concert last Sunday. The music was thoroughly enjoyed by a large and appreciative audience with kind donations raising funds for MIND.

Next weekend Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will be hosting a Picnic Supper dance on the Friday evening and a Collectable and Craft Fair on Sunday.


Music for Mind – Saxophone Concert

The Perfect Fourth Saxophone Quartet ( www.perfectfourth.co.uk ) will be presenting a free afternoon concert in the Village Hall on Sunday afternoon at 2.30.p.m. No ticket is required, seating will be Cafe style. The music will be varied from Bach to Billie Jean.

Tea, Coffee and biscuits will be for sale in the interval with proceeds for Village Hall funds. ( cash only please )

Further details from 07967 097394

Dates ahead: September 13th – Picnic supper dance with live music from Silhouette

September 15th- Back to fortnightly Collectable and Craft Fairs

A free weekend….

There are no public events at the Hall this weekend as traditionally it is kept free so everyone can head up to Gargrave show which is held in the field in front of Eshton Hall on Saturday. There is ample parking opposite the show ground but a free bus runs all day from the main bus stop in the Village, probably around every fifteen minutes or so. Classes for horses begin the day around 8.a.m with clear round workers,hunter classes at 8.30.a.m, pony jumping and show jumping at 10.a,m. The judging of sheep and cattle classes also begin at 10.a.m. Judging of shire horses at 11.30.a.m . Fell races for all age groups begins at Noon ( if the show jumping in the ring does not run over time ), with the under nines the first race to leave the ring, followed by under twelves, under fourteens and under seventeens. The senior race concludes around at  12.45.pm. Cash prizes, and first local prizes. Dog show at Noon in a smaller ring ( entries on the day). Vintage Cars, tractors, stalls, and refreshments. Handicraft and baking tents open for viewing after lunch. Childrens sports around 4.p.m, egg throwing at 4.30.p.m and terrier racing at 5.p.m.

Admission £12. Concessions £6.00. 11 years and under free entry.

07802695041 01729851049 – General enquiries

07850318137 – Fell race enquiries

07746 296653- Dog show enquires

Next weekend will be hectic again at the Village Hall, with a charity dance in aid of the Air Ambulance on Friday 23rd August and a two day Collectable and Craft Fair on Sunday 25th and Monday 26th August ( bank holidays) 07989585564.

The weekend ahead…..

The talented Lancashire musician Elizabeth Harrison will be providing live Organ music for modern sequence dancing on Friday evening ( 9th August ) in the Village Hall. Please bring along your own Picnic Supper. Tea and Coffee will be provided in the interval. Admission is £6.00 per person on the door, cash only please. A raffle will be held to raise funds for the Village Hall. The music will commence at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m.

Craven makers and Vintage Crafts will be holding a Summer makers Fair in the Village Hall on Saturday from 10.a.m until 3.p.m. A day of creativity and inspiration with hand crafted goods for sale from local makers. Light refreshments will be provided by members of Gargrave Library and Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee.

Don`t forget the popular mid week Book Fair on Tuesday 13th August. Hundreds and hundreds of books for sale on every subject from general paperbacks and hardbacks through to speciality and antiquarian volumes. The hall and side rooms are fully booked with stalls, around eighteen book sellers from all over the North West . There will also be a stall as you head towards the Cafe area which will be selling books to raise funds for the Village Hall. These will be at total bargain prices to reduce the huge volume the Hall have in stock. Think 50p each or three for a £1 or better still fill a carrier bag for just £2. If anyone would like books from this particular stall for a school or residential home please let us know as these will be gladly donated free of charge to you. The sale is open from 10.a.m until 4.p.m and homemade light refreshments will be available until around 3.p.m. Admission is just 50p. What a great way to spend a Tuesday, we look forward to welcoming everyone.

A quiet weekend but lots ahead….

There are no public events at the Hall this weekend which gives us the opportunity to undertake some work to the amazing sprung dance floor in the main hall. To keep it in good condition it needs sealant applying around once a year to eighteen months so that is the mammoth task for Robert our Caretaker this weekend.

Looking ahead: Friday 9th August: Picnic supper dance with live music from Organist Elizabeth Harrison.

Saturday 10th August: Craven Makers Craft Fair.

Tuesday 13th August:The popular mid week Book Fair. All stall spaces fully booked with book dealers arriving from all over                                                                        the North West. One table heaving under the weight of books will be for sales in aid of Village Hall                                                                              funds. These books will be at bargain sale prices.

Another busy weekend…

A Picnic supper dance will be held on Friday evening in the Village Hall with the live music provided by Brian Griffin who makes the long journey to Gargrave from North of the Border. Please bring along your own Picnic supper, tea and coffee will be provided in the interval. The music for modern sequence dancing will commence at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m. Admission is £6.00 per person on the door. Cash only please. A raffle will aid Village Hall funds.

The library committee will be busy on Saturday morning when they launch the children`s summer reading challenge in the Village Hall. This years theme is Marvellous Makers so some of the local Craft and Art Community are coming along to demonstrate their skills to both the children, their parents and friends. The event also incorporates a Coffee morning which is organised jointly between members of Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee and Gargrave Library. There will be bacon sandwiches, toasted teacakes and homemade cakes on the menu. Slightly longer opening hours than normal 9.30.a.m – 12.30.p.m.


A Hectic weekend…..

A Charity dance organised by a local family will be held in the Village Hall on Friday evening. Live music for modern sequence dancing will be provided by Cumbrian musician Denis Westmorland. Please bring along your own Picnic supper. Tea and Coffee will be provided in the interval. Admission is £6.00 per person on the door. Proceeds will go towards Manorlands Hospice. Music commences at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m.

A Coffee morning organised jointly between Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee and Gargrave Library will be held in the Village Hall on Saturday. Bacon sandwiches, toasted teacakes and homemade cakes will be on the menu from 10.a.m until Noon. A raffle will aid Library funds and proceeds from a Book and Bric a Brac stall will go towards Village Hall funds. The Library 100 club draw will take place.

Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will be taking over the running of Sundays Flea Market and Craft Fair as sadly Sheila from Broadway Fairs has been told by her doctor she must retire immediately due to concerns over her health. Everyone involved with the Village Hall feels very sad as Sheila has been a huge supporter of the venue for so many years and we cannot thank her enough for both her work in providing the catering services for the Village Hall`s  monthly Fairs but also for her years of hiring the premises to run her own Broadway Fairs. If anyone wishes to write Sheila a note or send a card please bring them along to the Fair on Sunday and Caroline will arrange to send them all in the post, alternately call 07989 585564 and an address will be provided. Fortunately Jo is able to take over the running of the catering and the Broadway Fairs scheduled for the 28th July and the 25th August will continue but will be run by Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee, who will also still run their own Fair scheduled for 26th August ( bank holiday Monday ). There are lots of stalls booked in for this weekends Fair so please come along and see what is on offer, lots of affordable and unique items: Vintage, Collectables, Bric a Brac, Books, Jewellery, Jigsaws, Pictures, Gifts ,Crafts and outdoor plant stall. Win a prize on the popular Tombola which raises funds for the Cats Protection League. Admission is just 50p. Opening hours 9.30.a.m – 3.30.p.m. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. Pop in earlier than 9.30.a.m if it fits in better with your days plans as most stalls are open by 9.a.m.

Any queries/bookings for this event or for future Fairs please call Caroline on 07989 585564.

P.S. All of the above events payments/purchases are cash only please.

A busy weekend coming up….

The weekend kicks off with a Picnic supper dance on Friday evening featuring live music from the popular band Silhouette. Please bring along your own Picnic supper. Tea and Coffee will be provided in the interval. Admission is £6.00 per person on the door ( cash only please ) A raffle will raise funds for the Village Hall. The music for Modern sequence dancing will commence at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m.

Members of Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee will be hosting the Collectable and Craft Fair on Sunday. Please bring along all those fathers out there to celebrate Fathers day with a difference. There will be a display by members of the Model train and transport group in the side room adjoining the main Hall . The group meet twice monthly at the Hall for their meetings and they will be pleased to share the knowledge and information related to their group . In the main Hall why not treat your father to a purchase from one of the many stalls selling Vintage, Collectables, Gifts, Bric a Brac, Books, Jigsaws and Crafts. Something for everyone, unique and affordable items. Compliment the day with light refreshments or an all day breakfast in the Cafe. Lots to see and do. The event commences at 9.30.a.m until 3.30.p.m. 50p admission. Most stalls including the Cafe can only accept cash please.

P.S Not forgetting our outdoor garden stall.

Book Fair

A great weekend for anyone who loves books, there will be a treasure trove of them at the Village Hall on Saturday. The Hall is fully booked with stallholders selling a great selection, ranging from general paper and hardbacks through to speciality, rare and antiquarian volumes.

Author Sue Barnes ( pen name Lizzie Collins ) will also be in attendance, signing copies of her books. She has published eight novels in both paperback and hardback, they are light reading and a mixture of romance, history and mystery. Sue spends her time between Rawdon and Bentham. She is an ex teacher and loves history and archaeology as well as anything Greek, including the food! When Sue is not writing she enjoys both cooking and baking.

Light refreshments including all day breakfasts will be available throughout the day. Admission is 50p on the door and the event opens at 10.a.m until 4.p.m. The majority of stallholders can only accept cash please, this also includes sales in the Cafe. Further details 01524 752968 07989585564.

The next Book Fair will be on Tuesday 13th August.