Bargains galore await you on Saturday 2nd October as the annual Jumble sale returns after an enforced break for a year.

The doors open for business at 10.a.m, there is no admission charge this year so customers can flow a little more freely through the front entrance to avoid any close contact. Face masks are optional. Windows and doors will be left open for good ventilation.

There are a huge variety of items to purchase; clothing, household, jewellery, books, pictures, CD`s ( literally hundreds ), records, bags, shoes, bric a brac,craft items and fabrics,  toys and everything but the kitchen sink. Prizes can be won on the tombola and drinks and homemade cake are available to purchase with tables available for seating in a spacious room.

The event will close around 1.p.m.

Up coming events……

As we approach the end of the month we have a Book Fair planned for the 25th September. This is a fantastic opportunity to purchase books for yourselves or to give as Christmas Gifts. There will be around sixteen stallholders selling a huge range of titles from general to speciality. Admission is just 50p or by donation. Light refreshments are available until around 3.p.m. Opening hours 10.a.m until 4.p.m. If you can`t make this date, the last Book Fair of the year will be held on Saturday 4th December. Details: 01524 752968

The Hall will be re-open on the Sunday 26th September, this time for Broadway Fairs Flea Market. There will be a great selection of stalls selling Antiques, Vintage, Bric a Brac and Crafts. Light refreshments will be available until 3.p.m. Admission 50p. Details: 01757 ( Selby Code ) 229805.

Don`t forget the annual Jumble sale on Saturday 2nd October. The Hall will be full of clothing, household, toys, books, literally anything but the kitchen sink ( sorry no large furniture or large electrical items accepted ). Donations of goods have been arriving throughout the year. If you have any items to donate they can be left inside the back door any Monday or Tuesday morning leading up to the event. Otherwise they may be left from 10.a.m until 4.p.m on Friday 1st October. A well stocked tombola will also aid funds for the Village Hall. We have decided this year to waive the 20p entrance fee so buyers may flow through the front door a little bit quicker and it will aid distancing. We shall be selling hot drinks and homemade cake from the kitchen with ample spaced seating available in the Match room.

We would be delighted to hear from anyone who can help to sell from one of the stalls. Drinks, sandwiches and scones will be provided for the helpers at lunchtime. Please contact Caroline if you can help on 01756 749235 07989585564.

Bank Holiday Flea Markets…

The Popular Village Hall Flea Markets make a return this Bank Holiday weekend, the first since March 2020.

There will be a double bill with Sheila Palmer from Selby organising Sunday`s Fair and the Gargrave Village Hall Management team arranging the event on Monday. Some stallholders will be selling on either Sunday or Monday with a small number in attendance on both days. Therefore it is certainly worth a visit on both of the days as there will be major changes of stock from one day to the next. Admission is just 50p per day. A good variety of items will be for sale ranging from Antique, Vintage, Bric a Brac, Books, Jewellery and items from local Crafters who have been hard at work over the past months. There will be a stall raising funds for Manorlands and on the Monday a tombola will raise monies for the local Cats Protection League. Light refreshments will be available until around 3.p.m on both days. The wearing of masks is optional, a wall mounted sanitiser is in place in the entry Foyer and hand sanitiser will be available on most stalls. The Hall has the added advantage in these difficult times that it is both spacious and well ventilated. Everyone involved looks forward to welcoming back customers both old and new.

Please note the new Library opening times from the 1st september are: Mondays 3p.m – 5.p.m, Tuesdays 10.a.m until Noon, Wednesdays 2.p.m – 4.p.m, Fridays 2.p.m until 4.p.m and Saturdays 10.a.m until Noon. Volunteers are always most welcome, please call in at the Library if you think you may be able to help.

Latest News…..

Despite the lockdown restrictions now been officially lifted we are moving forward with caution at the Village Hall and we are very aware that it is important to respect and be considerate to everyone who uses our facilities and in particular those who are more vulnerable. Collectively the organisers, class teachers and management committee are keeping many of their Covid safe rules in place.

Hopefully ” pingdemic ” and volunteer availability allowing we shall be holding a Coffee morning on the 7th August from 10.a.m until Noon. Weather permitting we shall have both outdoor and indoor seating.

The first larger event we are hoping to hold is a mid week Book Fair on Tuesday 17th August from 10.a.m until 4.p.m. This is a great opportunity to stock up on reading material with thousands of books available from our fourteen stallholders. General titles through to speciality. Light refreshments will be available until 3.p.m and these will be served in the match room which allows for more space between tables than the normal ( pre Covid ) Cafe area. Please do come along and browse at your leisure. Mask wearing will be optional. 60p admission or by donation.

Bank holiday Flea Markets are also planned on Sunday 29th and Monday 30th August. Sheila Palmer will be organising the Sunday event ( 01757 229805 ) whilst the Village Hall Management team will be hosting the Monday Fair ( 07989585564 ).

Light refreshments available until 3.p.m each day, Sunday hours 10.a.m until 3.30.p.m and Monday hours 10.a.m until 4.p.m.

Future Coffee mornings…..

Following on from our last two successful outdoor Coffee mornings , held on the 5th and 12th June we are planning a further one on Saturday the 10th July. Fingers crossed that our weather reporters are correct in forecasting a warm and sunny July!

For anyone who hasn`t attended these events before we set up tables and chairs in the car park ( closed to vehicles ) so we have the advantage of some good social distancing. There is table service provided by our great team of volunteers. A variety of delicious home made cakes are on display just inside the main door which looks onto the carpark so these can be chosen without going inside the property. Take out cakes also available. Cash sales only please.

Loo facilities are available with one entrance, one exit policy in place.

Generally we have a couple of sales tables outdoors too, books for sale in aid of Village Hall funds and we are pleased to also support fund raising for Manorlands with a table of Bric a Brac items. There is also the possibility that we may have a Craft sale table on the 10th July.

The event is obviously dependant on the weather so please keep an eye on the website for information nearer the time or call 07989585564

The community Library is open in the Village Hall Foyer and this is a good opportunity to call in and register as a member if you are new to the Village.

Coffee morning news….

The sun is shining which means that following on from last weeks enjoyable event we shall be holding another outdoor Coffee morning this week, Saturday 12th June. Quite a brave decision with our great British weather but the report seems to be pretty good for the weekend . The current restrictions do not allow us to host an indoor Coffee morning so we shall be al fresco!

There will be a selection of homemade cakes and toasted teacakes to enjoy ( sorry no bacon butties at the moment ). Tables will be well spaced and there will be table service.

Hopefully if the weather is reasonable there will also be a book stall ( in aid of Hall funds ) and a bric a brac stall ( in aid of Manorlands ). These will be outdoors too. If you have a wedding coming up there may be a selection of wedding hats for sale in aid of Manorlands too.

In the event of  inclement weather we shall not be cancelling the event totally we shall instead be selling slices of homemade cake to takeaway and these can be purchased from a stall just inside the back door .

Fingers crossed , sun hats ( and wedding hats )at the ready!!


October News – and sale items – read on!!

A degree of normality has returned to the Hall during the past few weeks and we are pleased to welcome back the Yoga ( x 2 ) , Pilates ( x 2 ) , Art Class and Childrens Gym classes. All the teachers and pupils are feeling happy and safe in their albeit slightly different environment.

The Coffee morning held pre the six ruling restriction was really enjoyed by everyone but we are unfortunately unable to hold anymore at this present time. We are also unable to consider holding any Flea Markets, Book Fairs or Dances for the remainder of the year. Normally we would have been selling both Books and donated items in aid of Hall funds at our monthly markets but as this is not possible we shall be listing one or two items for sale over the course of the next few months, via the website and our Hall noticeboard. Our featured items this week are a couple of wicker hampers, ideal for filling with Christmas goodies ( 17″ x 10″ x 5″ ), they have two buckle strap fasteners andd a black fabric lining. £5.00 each. A Brand new and still in its plastic wrapper, BBC Earth Crab jigsaw puzzle.1000 pieces. Size 73 x 48.5cm. Ideal for a gift. £6.00. Something for the children – Kingfisher Encyclopedia`s, lots of information and illustrations ( £30 each when new ). Three in total; History, Science, Lands and People. £5.00 each or £10.00 for the set.  To purchase and/or view please contact or 07989585564.

The Library is open on Friday afternoons ( 2.p.m – 4.p.m ) and Saturday mornings ( 10.a.m – Noon ). New borrowers always welcome. Please call in on either day for more information. Social distancing will be in place. 01609 532774

The self contained Snooker club has been re-open since July. Details and membership details available from Alan 01756 749939

The Village Hall has a large stock of books for sale, priced at 50p for paperbacks and a £1.00 for hardbacks. If there is a particular book or author you are interested in please call or text 07989585564. or email



Exercise classes back in business…


A  phased re-opening is underway at the Village Hall with low risk/small groups gradually returning. The two small classes who returned on a trial basis during August  have felt both happy and safe with the Covid safe guidelines which have been put in place. Further small exercise classes continue to return during September. Fortunately exemptions to the new “six” ruling do include physical exercise.

A welcome back  Coffee morning was held on Saturday 12th September from 10.a.m until 1.p.m. Arrangements were slightly different to pre Corona days but the bacon sandwiches, cakes and warm welcome were just as good! Appreciation was shown by those attending who felt relieved to feel  a bit of normality had returned.  The Village Hall Management Committee are hoping it will be possible to stage further Coffee mornings during the year but clarity is needed first regarding the new ” six ” ruling which has now come into force, the guidelines provided by the Government are comprehensive but also incomprehensible! Therefore until further details are received there will be no Coffee mornings held in the near future

Events which attract large groups of people will not be returning yet , these will include Dances, Book Fairs and Flea Markets.

Unfortunately we cannot consider bookings from any new Hirers during the remainder of 2020.

Members of the Snooker club have now returned to their self contained Club and are enjoying been able to play again.. All members have been sent a  letter which contains the new guidelines that they must follow and which they must adhere too and respect. New members are always welcome, please contact Alan 07706406781   or Stewart    07999888697 for any details.

The community Library has re-opened and welcomes existing and new members. Weekly hours are Friday from 2.p.m until 4.p.m and Saturday from 10.a.m until Noon. One adult will be allowed in at any one time or one adult with up to three children from the same household or bubble.The two metre social distancing rule will be in place for anyone waiting to enter the Library.  The wearing of masks is preferable but not obligatory. All borrowers will be requested to leave their details for track and trace purposes.The use of the Computer and Photocopier is available and this will be by appointment only. One person will be allowed in the Library to use the equipment and only for a thirty minute session. This facility is not available during the Friday and Saturday browsing periods. PLEASE NOTE NEW CONTACT NUMBER:  01609 536547


If anyone is unable to obtain a particular book or author from the Library please use one of the contacts below as the Village Hall have a large store of books on all subjects which would normally be sold at Coffee Mornings and the Fairs and we would like to continue selling these to raise funds for the Village Hall.( Thank you so much to anyone who has made purchases during the last few weeks ) Therefore if you have any requests for specific books/authors please contact, 01756 749235/07989585564 or drop a list off through the Village Hall letter box. It can be arranged that books may be collected from the Village Hall entrance or if anyone is still self isolating (  Gargrave Village only ) they can be left on your doorstep. Postal delivery may also be considered. Pre lockdown prices remain in place, only 50p each for Paperbacks and a £1.00 for hardbacks. Cash only on collection please.  We also have a variety of CD`s.

With the shutdown of the Flea Markets the regular Manorlands stall has also been unable to operate so please if you have any general requests for certain items of Bric a Brac, Household items, DVD`s etc you may also use the above contacts and  items may also be collected from the Village Hall. Again cash sales only please.






Village Hall Closed.

Sadly due to the current situation all events and classes are suspended until further notice at Gargrave Village Hall.

It is with great regret that the Art Exhibition Committee have taken the decision to cancel this years summer show. It would have been the 50th anniversary of this popular exhibition but looking on the positive side it gives the organisers more time to plan a really splendid celebration in 2021.

Gargrave and Malhamdale Community Library and Gargrave Parish Council Offices are also closed until further notice .

Library books which are currently on loan cannot be returned and any fines which arise during the closure period will be waived. If you have any queries regarding the Library please contact 07960704509 or email

The Parish Council Clerk will continue to work her normal office hours, albeit remotely when required, to review emails, post and deal with any voicemails left on the Office phone. If anyone has any issues which would have been normally covered under public participation  please raise them with the Clerk. Reports from the Craven District, the County Council and the Police will continue to be reviewed and comments will be made on new planning applications. A regular report will be compiled based on the current Minutes format to keep people aware of progress on the various agenda items. There will be no public meetings held whilst the current restrictions are in place.

Regular updates will be posted on the website and any general  queries may be directed to   or contact 07989585564 .

We hope to welcome back past, present and future bookings as soon as it is safe to do so.

Business as usual at Gargrave Village Hall

The weekend ahead commences with a Picnic Supper dance on Friday night. The live music for ballroom and sequence dance will be provided by the talented Lancashire Organist Elizabeth Harrison. Dancing commences at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m. Admission is £5.00 on the door. Please bring along your own Picnic Supper.

The Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee team will be kept busy on both Saturday and Sunday. They will be hosting the Coffee morning on Saturday . Bacon sandwiches, hot buttered teacakes and homemade cakes will be available from 10.a.m until Noon. A fun raffle and Book and CD stall will also aid funds.

The monthly Flea Market, Vintage and Collectable Fair will return on Sunday after a short Winter break. The Hall will be full of stalls selling a great variety of items. Light refreshments available until 3.p.m. Please ask for the pocket sized booklet containing all the Flea Market dates for the rest of the year.