A Picnic supper dance will be held in the Village Hall on Friday evening ( 14th March ). Live music for modern sequence dancing will be provided by the Lancashire musician Alan Cookson. Please bring your own Picnic supper, tea and coffee will be provided in the interval. Admission is £6.00 per person on the door, cash only please. The music commences at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m.
We shall be delighted to welcome everyone to our Open day which takes place on Saturday. The whole premises will be open for viewing including the self contained Snooker Hall where you can enquire about membership. The table tennis group will be playing in the Annexe and there will be regular Hirers in the Hall to answer any questions you may have about their groups. There will be displays from The Art Exhibition Section, The Pantomime section, The Community Library and the Parish council will also be represented. Christine our Bookings secretary will be in attendance to give availablity for future bookings and their cost.
Combined with the Open day there will be a huge sale of Books, DVDs and CD
s in the centre of the Hall. These have been in storage for years at the Hall and they will be sold at bargain prices, 50p each, fill a carrier bag for £2 or a box for £5. Some fantastic bargains. No event would be complete without homemade catering, so on the menu will be bacon and sausage sandwiches,toasted teacakes, quiche and soups, and lots of homemade cakes of course. The day commences at 10.a.m until 4.p.m. Free admission.
The Open day has been arranged to celebrate National Village Halls week which actually runs from 17th to the 23rd March but pre booked events at the Village Hall meant we are celebrating a couple of days earlier! This is the seventh year in which ACRE ( Action with communities in rural England) have run the campaign and their aim is to celebrate, encourage and support the efforts of the volunteers who keep the 10,000 rural community buildings in England running. No volunteer at Gargrave could have done more to keep our fantastic faciliites running than Joan Phillip who sadly passed away a few months ago. Joan was a dedicated committee member for over forty years and a plaque on a bench at the front of the Hall will be unveiled by her family on Saturday at 11.a.m in her memory. Everyone welcome.