The Annual Art Exhibition is open to the public from Thursday 4th July until Sunday 7th July.

Opening hours are 10.a.m – 7.p.m and on Sunday 10.a.m until 4.30.p.m.

The main Hall is normally the venue for any elections but due to a clash with the Art Exhibition the voting will take place in the Village Hall Annexe. To access the Annexe please turn right at the front of the Hall past the green garage doors and enter the building via the back/kitchen door, turn immediate right on entry, follow the corridor to the end where you will find the Annexe and the election officers. Voting hours are 7.a.m until 10.p.m.

Everyone at the Village Hall is very sad to hear that Sheila of Broadway Fairs has been advised by her doctors to retire fully from organising her Fairs and providing catering for events. Sheila has been a stalwart supporter of the Village Hall for over twenty years. We send all our good wishes and hopefully we shall see her in the future when she feels well enough to pay a visit. Members of Gargrave Village Hall Committee intend to continue to run the Broadway Fairs until the end of the year in addition to their own monthly Fairs. It is a big ask for them as they are all volunteers but they hope to fulfil all the dates printed in the pocket booklets if they possibly can. Future Fair dates are  on Sunday July 28th and Sunday and Monday 25th and 26th of August. Once September is reached there will be two Fairs per month, these will be listed in the events list on the website and in posts as it gets nearer the time. Please call 07989585564 if you would like a pocket booklet of dates sending or if you would like to book a stall.

Please note the two day Craft Fair which would have been organised by Sheila on the 16th and 17th November is now cancelled.

Don`t forget the mid week Book Fair which will be held on Tuesday 13th August. 10.a.m – 4.p.m.