Local band Silhouette will be providing the live music at the re-scheduled ( this dance should have been held on the weekend of the Queens death ) picnic supper dance on Friday evening. The music commences at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m. Please bring along your own Picnic supper, tea and coffee will be provided in the interval. A raffle will aid Hall funds. Admission is £6.00 on the door.

Come along to the Coffee morning on Saturday when bacon sandwiches, toasted teacakes and lots of homemade cakes will be on the menu. The event will be hosted jointly between Gargrave Village Hall Management Committee and Gargrave Library. A raffle will aid Library funds and proceeds from a book stall will go towards Hall funds. If you are curious about how the changes to local government may affect the area or you personally then representatives from Craven District Council will be in attendance to discuss any concerns or issues, this will be on an informal basis where you can have a personal chat whilst enjoying a cuppa!