The busy weekend at the Hall begins with a Picnic Supper dance on Friday evening. Cumbrian musician Denis Westmorland will be providing the live music for modern sequence dancing. Please bring along your own Picnic supper, tea and coffee will be provided in the interval. The music commences at 7.30.p.m until 11.p.m. Admission is £6.00 per person on the door, cash only please. A raffle will aid Village Hall funds.

The Craven Accordion orchestra will be celebrating their 30th anniversary on Saturday and will be hosting a free open door event from 11.a.m until 4.p.m.. There will be music related trade stands and craft stalls. A showcase concert will be held in the evening commencing at 7.30.p.m. Tickets are priced at £10.00 each with concessions at £8.00 . Please contact for your tickets.

A Collectable and Craft fair will round off the weekend on Sunday. Lots of stalls selling Collectables, Vintage, Bric a Brac, Small furniture, Gifts, Pictures, Books, Jigsaws and Crafts.  There will also be stalls raising funds for the Village Hall itself, Manorlands and the Cats Protection League. The bargain book stall will be in one of the side rooms, with all books cheap as chips. Please let one of the Village Hall Committee members know if you would like books for a Nursery, Play group, School or Residential home as we are happy to donate books free of charge to any of these groups. The event opens at 9.30.a.m, but pop in earlier if it fits in better with your days plans as most stalls are set up by 9.a.m. The doors close around 3.30.p.m. Light refreshments are available until 3.p.m. Admission is 50p on the door. The majority of stalls can only accept cash please, there is a cash machine in the Village but always best to come prepared – we don`t want it to have run out! Bethany will be outside the hall with her plant and flower stall. Unfortunately Oliver the young man who was coming to have a toy stall is unwell but he hopes to be at the next Fair ( see date below)

The next Fair will be on the 27th October.

Many thanks to all who supported last weeks Jumble sale, a grand total of £2917.00 was raised. Amongst some of the items we have left to sell there is a Mobility scooter, hardly used. Strider make. Just needs a new battery. To view please contact 07989585564